Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Update July 2nd

Wensday July 2nd

The time is quickly approaching, less than 90 days until contract. As many of you know, the elections were held early to allow the committee to attend training at Placid Harbor. We learned that much of the negotiating is done long before you get to the table. While we were there we developed a plan of action to guide us thru this process. The flyer's and newsletters are part of this plan as well as the T-shirts you’ve all been wearing on Mondays. We have met several days over the past few weeks working on our proposal. We expect to finish it soon. The committee has not met with the company. We do not have any scheduled meetings planed with the company until August.

The next step will be attaining a solid strike sanction vote. We are counting on you! This vote will be held on July 8th. See our flyer.

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