Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Mind Games Flyer


Anonymous said...

what's up with the so caled "millionare" crossing the line? being a single person with no responsibility? no excuse!

once a scab always a scab!

Anonymous said...

How does the mind games flyer help anyone. Are you all spending as much time on negotiations as you are these flyers that don't mean anything? It seems that you all are spending alot of time on non productive things as is Vought. For example, clocks etc.. what about the negotiations and getting us back to work? We are not interested in cartoons or etc.. give us some real news!

Anonymous said...

Excellent Point!

Vought you have LOST!!
Your game ended when the Union Brothers and Sisters went on strike, it's time to move on.

I thought we're all "FAMILY", incest is not a behavior the Union Brothers and Sisters are willing to tolerate.

Stand tall and strong Union Brothers and Sisters!!

G-4 said...


Anonymous said...

It's time Union Brothers and Sisters, the buses will be coming shortly to pick up the SCABS that are left.

We need to be on the lines giving them a hi-five (I like doing the queens wave), there's not as many SCABS now as when they first came in, but we can still wave at the bus drivers.
Let's be nice and Hi-five Vought management for helping us, I'm sure they'll be watching.
Dang, Maybe they can learn from us, Union Brothers and Sisters are "REAL FAMILY".
See ya in a short!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone compared our LFO with hawker-beechcraft. They went on strike for almost equally what we were offered without a bonus!

Anonymous said...

I stood in the pouring rain this morning for four hours on the picket line. My wife was by my side as she was in 89. We watched the 5 buses drive in the gate. We also drove by the parking lot were the "SCABS" are parking. If thats all the bodies they have mixed with the salary that goes in each day they are in trouble. If they think we are stupid enough to think they are running that place like we can I have some ocean front property to sell those people. Stand your ground on the line and we will show them how to make money, along with paying back the money they are spending each day playing their little game.

Anonymous said...

It would be much easier to stand tall and strong if we knew what was going on. Give us some real information we can hold on to.

Anonymous said...

some of these negative comments here sound kinda fishy, could be company ties

Anonymous said...

Another bad day at Wall Street. What about our economy? Can we not work while they negotiate the contract? How is anyone to make the bills with 150.00 each week when they are the only provider due to illness. No one can live on 7.00 to 8.00 an hour when your bills are far more. With the economy the way it is how many were able to put a big savings back? Who could put anything back with medical cost, grocerys, and gas at the all time high. Union Reps negotiate negotiate!

Anonymous said...

Seems that our upper mgmt is temporary. Its always been that way. How many will be here in 3 years. Why not give us what we deserve. You won't be around long anyway. Maybe you will actually grow a company where the employees are happy and productive. You're in Dallas. Why not research why Southwest became such a success. They take care of the employees and the employees take care of the customer. Instead you want a company with hate and discontent for months or years to come. You must like taking those customer conference calls and chewing out supervisors everyday. What a wonderful company... Maybe the next upper mgmt will be aircraft people, not bean counters.

tradesman said...

I think that the games the company is playing is a joke. They are going to hurt more than we ever will. Jobs are few and the ecomomy looks bad, but before long things will be back to normal or better if we keep the faith with each other. It cost alot more money to keep a parking lot empty of qualified workers and buss in who knows what kind of workers. The joke is on the company.
Hang tough and kepp together so we the Union of 735IAM will prevail.
I wounder how many people have looked on the Vought site to read there comments, lies. I bet they have a counter that keeps track of it. What do you Think.

Anonymous said...

I agree its time for some real news.

Anonymous said...

Millionare ?????? You just need to consider the source!Sounds like a liar & scab etc. Maybe she needs to pay for that new SUV.See how many friends she has when we go back to work and that day will come!

Anonymous said...

This isn't like fast food, it's a contract negotiation, it'll take some time folks. No one should've thought it would be over in a week. Just hang tough and we'll win this.

Just Curious said...

Just curious when do you think that the company and the union will get back at the negotiations?

Anonymous said...

I heard from an inside source that Vought knew we would not buy this obvious crud! and that we would go on strike!Infact Ma..Opps! almost spilled it.Infact this person told me that that was there plan all along.And that he and his immediate superior got a kick out of causing chaos amongst the peons!
Said they will never negotiate with the union,infact their plan is to sit back and laugh at us while they make paper airplanes.
I wanted to share this vital info to the rest of you,were really dealing with a couple of idiots!

Anonymous said...

Ohh! and I forgot to tell you all that they are packing it up and moving it all to south america!
They are remodeling this site and plan to open up to nashville as the biggest daycare center in these here parts.All ya all invited to the diaper party at vought daycare.

Anonymous said...

If life is rosey inside the plant with their "SCAB" labor and plans to bring in more of the same why is "vought" trying to sell the same piece of crap with all the fact checkers. If it looks and smells like a rat it must be a rat.

Anonymous said...

to the scabs that cross the pickett line how does it feel to go in there and show them other scabs how to do the work in there and knowing they get paid 40hr which i know you dont make that much

Anonymous said...

Quit bitchen about the flyers and stick behind you negotators. They will do there job when they get there chance to do it. Ive been there i just got of strike at Hawkerbeech craft. I was one of the negotators for our local and we won our strike. I heard that you have a grand lodge rep. that should be down there name Mark Love he is good listen to him.

Your Brother
L.L 733 Craig Dutton

Anonymous said...

Thats 45 and Hour, and how can you call us a scab.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mr.45 and hr. I can tell you how you are a scab ! ANY -------- that crosses hard working employees pickett line is a self centered worthless human being because he cares nothing about other people's lives and family and is sticking his or her nose into something that he or she shouldn't be JUST to benefit theirself and don't care who they hurt in the process.If your backbone wasn't so weak you would have a real job but most of you can't because they find out how worthless you are! You are the lowest form of human on this earth!In the long run , you won't benifit from the money you have stolen! I know what kind of person you are because I worked around your kind when I worked at this company not long ago!I spent the majority of my working career around the people at this plant and they are good people that care about their jobs and the quality of their work .They are good middle Tenn. people and this problem didn't start until Vought bought this place.To allow people like you to do this has probably set back the relationship between management and the union 10yrs.

Anonymous said...

well if you making 45 and hour you sure dont look like you do!!!!! you just a 45 and scabbbbb!!!!!

Anonymous said...

To my union brother and sisters of local 735.

I have had an opportunity to read most of the post that have been posted.
Now I feel like I have a few thinks to say.
First, are“ millionaire” turned scab, need to remember that union members spend their money where they choose. An now I do not think many members will be stopping by the Twin Kegs for beer or food, and we will not be ordering any more lunch plates.

Second, We read fact checks after fact check from the company. The only fact that they need to realize is that their last and beast offer was turned by 78% of the union membership. 94% voted to strike. Instead of fact checking something the union is not going to by, they need to come back to the table a work out a fair contract with you negotiation committee.

Third, as far the scab that questions, “Why one is a scab when making $45.” Those in life that will belly up for a dollar are called many thinks in this life. This individual does not care about anyone else family. This individual lives off the suffering of others; this individual is a bottom feeder. I hope this helps explain to this individual and other like him why he is a “SCAB”


Union Strong.