Thanks to generous donations, there is food at the Union Hall for members in need and their families. Of course, donations are continually needed and appreciated. The Union Hall is open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
Special thanks to IAM Lodge 1296 out of Clarksville for their very large donations Tuesday before our regular Union Meeting.
Don’t forget about the Hardship Blog. There are leads on jobs, a short-term health insurance policy, a debt snowball calculator, a strike loan, the hardship and jobs committee, free credit reports, clothes and even half price on haircuts.
We are also looking for fund raising ideas for the hardship fund.
Come on ya'll and get you some !!
God grant us the serenity to accept the things we canot change: courage to change those things we can and wisdom to know the difference .
With all of our good, skilled work and the ton of money we've made for this Company, their appreciation just isn't there. Salaried people received their big bonus this year but we were beaten out of ours. Then, they try to sell us a crappy Contract. I can hear Maxi saying, 'Those broke S.O.B.'s will be crying to take what we offer them'. But we didn't bite on it and now Maxie is wrong again. I know that some have crossed the picket line because these people were too lazy and selfish to get a job elsewhere. These scabs didn't do much work whenever we were all in there working and the Company would be smart to rid themselves of these dead beats now, while they have the chance. I believe that most people feel the same way that I do. I do not ever want to speak, nor work beside of these low life people again. Sure, it is rough out here without getting a regular paycheck but I can only hope that our Negotiating Committee believes that we fully support them and we are not going back without a good contract. A sincere thanks goes out to all of those who have supported this strike. It means a lot!
Merry Christmas to the all of the Union brothers and sisters on the picket line. It has been a real eye opener to find out what kind individuals I have been working with for the past several years. This type of situation brings out the best in people. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Union brother who got his jaw jacked by the iron worker the other day. Thank God for peaceful picket lines. So keep drinking the kool-aid and spinning the Jim Jones records.
LLR , Is this going to be just another lame attempt by the company to try to split us up by not trying to work this out.? They need to get the real workers back in there that know how to build these assemblies and send these scabs and yahoes on their way. These exunion people that crossed the line dont deserve any union representation if we go back , it aint right. Theres alot of us hurting but our pride will stand and our belief in each other and our union will prevail. I am 735.................................
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