Dear Commander Richter,
To you, your supervisors, and all the officers of the Hermitage Precinct. I just wanted to let you know how much the members of Local Lodge 735 at Vought Aircraft appreciate your professionalism and the hard work you have put in these past twelve weeks that we have been on strike. I know it has been a sacrifice to stand in the cold and rain working our picket lines. But thanks to you we have been able to exercise our right to strike in a safe and peaceful manner. God bless each of you and your families. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Mike Worrell
President Local Lodge 735
International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers
Thanks to the fuzz. Without them we probably would all be roadkill.
I think next week most kids are out of school so why don't we get all the kids to come out Monday morning to show vought and the scabs who's food they are taking off the table. Hold up a sign saying the vought that stole Christmas or something. Maybe even get the media to cover it.
Well done.
After the holidays things will change. A CHANGE WE NEED. If you know what I mean! Until then,MERRY CHRISTMAS!
L@@K OUT Vought!
Here comes Labor Secretary Milda Solis (D) California (non-right to work state), who is PRO-UNION.
She will be in contact SOON!
I just heard on the news that these car factory workers make 29 dollars an hour. We make 21 dollars an hour and we build aircraft units which carry alot more people than cars. I think we are getting screwed big time. They should be rewarding us instead of trying to take away our earned rights. That just shows where the money is going.....to all the bigwigs that dont even touch the product. Man this vought sucks.
Read this with thought. My name is Yankee,(KEN PARKS) I walked the picket line today on Briley and I hear people yell go to work you bums; Then a 8 yr old little girl with her granny stopped and gave me 2 bags of food and 2 12 packs of coke. The granny told me that she wanted to do something for the striking workers that are out there every day for christmas, it really touched me I offered to give the grandmother some money for the food( 2 loaves of bread ,chips,lunch meat, coffee,cream and sugar) she refused it and said her grand child wanted to give something to us for christmas. These two people were driving and old wore out ranger pickup and here they are worried about us and they probably didn't hardly have enough for themselves; I hope God looks down on them and there family and blesses them in the remainder of their lives. I took these items to the hall and put it there for all to enjoy. I came back down Briley and looked at that plant and the rage overwelmed me. VOUGHT AIRCRAFT AND THE MANAGEMENT I HOPE THAT YOU GET EXACTLY WHAT YOU DESERVE, I HOPE YOU HAVE THE PAIN THAT YOU HAVE CAUSED YOUR EMPLOYEES WHO HAVE ALWAYS BEEN DEDICATED TO YOUR COMPANY. MR. THARPE DO NOT EVER ADDRESS US AS FAMILY. YOU SIR ARE NO WAY ANY FAMILY TO ME OR MINE. BUT THE 8 YEAR OLD WILL ALWAYS BE CLOSE TO MY HEART A TOTAL STRANGER THAT HAS SHOWED ME THE TRUE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS
WASHINGTON - President-elect Barack Obama's choice to be labor secretary, Democratic Rep. Hilda Solis of California, is expected to advocate greater union influence in the workplace and more "green" jobs.
Solis, the 51-year-old daughter of a Mexican union shop steward and a Nicaraguan assembly line worker, is in line to be the second Hispanic nominee in Obama's Cabinet.
First I would like to say a MERRY CHRISTMAS. Yankee your still cranky but you are so right
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