Here is the real story on the company’s so-called “Fact Checker #8: Working During The Strike”
Last Friday, we put a message on this website warning people that crossing a picket line is like walking into the lion’s den. We said, “People don’t realize that, if you cross the pickets, you no longer have protections on the job. The company can fire you for any reason or no reason, and without a
The company then said in its so-called “Fact Checker #8” that we were wrong, but it only told half the story. It said that during strikes, companies must maintain most terms and conditions of employment until lawfully changed, and it pointed to the “just cause” termination provision in our expired contract. It said you would still have that protection.
The half of the story that the company left out is that the arbitration clause is not one of the terms and conditions that the company must maintain. As the U.S. Supreme Court made clear in a case called Litton Financial v. NLRB, companies do not have to arbitrate things that happen after a CBA expires. So if you cross the picket line and the company disciplines or fires you without just cause, you are out of luck. Your real protection is walking the line. “FACT CHECKER #8 IS ONLY AN EMPTY PROMISE.
Of course, Vought hasn't been straight with either the Committee or the membership for a long time. They've hired fancy Philadelphia Lawyers versed in union busting to give half-truths and lies to divide us, and make you think they are on YOUR side. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
The company had a meeting today (monday)with the salary employees and gave them all a 4% bonus for the year. They did not get any of the "gaining ground bounus" do to the strike. I THOUGHT THEY WERE AHEAD OF SCHEDULE?
Hey Brothers & Sisters!
I would like to reiterate, if you need food, finanial help or a temp. job, please see James Stewart. He's at the Union hall daily, if you cannot make it to the Union hall please call.
If you need someone to chat with please give me a call, I'm always close by.
Stay STRONG Brothers & Sisters!!
Everyone be safe, peace to all.
~ LOCO ~
The company said it wants to negotiate in good faith with their employees. How can they say that when they never talk with the union because talking is how you negotiate. Vought wants to break our union. I will NEVER cross the strike line!
Negotiation need not be confrontational. In fact effective negotiation is characterized by the parties working together to find a solution, rather than each party trying to WIN the contest of wills. Keep in mind that the attitude that you take in negotiation (eg. hostile, cooperative) will set the tone for the interaction. If you are confrontational, you will have a fight on your hands.
Trying To Win At All Costs
If you "win" there must be a loser, and that can create more difficulty down the road. The best perspective in negotiation is to try to find a solution where both parties "win". Try not to view negotiation as a contest that must be won. Hope we can find a solution both sides can agree on. The company must start talking to the union in order for this to happen. Showing up and throwing a contract down is not negotiation.
Maybe they are afraid to talk , thinking someone might throw a shoe at them or something. The salary can have the bonus, I feel sorry for them having to listen to those bunch of upper idiots all the time.
There is one rule for industrialists and that is: make the best quality goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible.
Henry Ford
Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly, and they will show themselves great.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look at what they can do when they stick together.
Vesta Kelly
Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers.
Stephen R. Covey
Why would this company want to bust the Union local that is - was most productive and profitable. Is that good business? They just want to flush decades of specific knowledge, skill, talent and experience down the toilet.. along with harmony. Because they are so diam stupid to recognize the value of these assets. They think drop kicking a few "vested" people off the pension fund has more value.
going, going
At least you'll have the super scabs..as long as you can keep borrowing money to pay them triple time everyday. Is that good business. Ask your customers. They are always right.
Plenty of men can do good work for a spurt and with immediate promotion in mind, but for promotion you want a man in whom good work has become a habit.
Henry L. Doherty
My father always told me, "Find a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life.
Jim Fox
I would never date a person who was married because if that person was willing to cheat on their spouse then they would be just as willing to cheat on me.
The company has opted to sleep with a prostitute and a street whore and left its spouse out in the cold. The street whore might always cower to their demands but the prostitute will only perform as long as the money holds out. Once the money is gone, she is off to find her next trick or the higher bidder.
The spouse on the other hand only recognizes honor and respect. She is always looking at the long haul and is willing to bind over backwards for a vested interest.
A kiss from this company is only lip serve, like a narcissistic lover kissing himself in the mirror.
By the way, I don’t know who brought the beef jerky to the Union Hall Monday, but it sure was good and I sure did appreciate you sharing. Thank you!
Folks think upon this,TOUGH TIMES DON'T LAST, BUT TOUGH PEOPLE DO,America has seen many dark and difficult days in the past,When people went to prayer God heard and restored what the enemy attempted to take. Prayer still works,You must be persistant and not give up.
Elmer,do you think that we are all stupid? The aerospace industry is global,yet a small world. Some of your scabs are calling and telling us what a mess it is inside. We have friends at Lockheed, Gulfstream and Airbus overseas telling us what a mess you have.
Your people have lied to the media time and time again. The latest in which they claimed that the Union came for the first time with any kind of proposal. That is a blatant lie, our commitee has had proposals from the very beginning. Proposals in which it would be a win-win for both sides. All your company negotiators (and I use that term loosely) want to do is throw out the same old stale stuff and throw a fit then walk away.
Go back to the Sept demands you had and try and work from them. this last thing only showed how you really intend to treat us and it's not the same kind of contract you have at your other plants.
We want a fair contract not the garbage they have been giving us. We want to go back to work but will not with these kind of demands. Who did they come to when they got themselves in a hole? They came to us and we always got them out of the hole they dug. The company says we should help them come up witha way to recoup the money they have lost, what about the money we've lost? You guys started this by not talking like you should have. Sit down and get it worked out! Our folks are more than willing to meet and work thing out for the good of us all. You might be surprised if you would talk to them.
I hope everyone involved will open their hearts to see each other's side. My husband has worked at Vought for many years and like you, we are grateful for that. We have made a living and are thankful. Praise and a grateful heart goes a long way. There is so much to learn from every situation.I feel Company and Union will grow and be better in character from all this!
God bless you! Spend time on your knees and you will stand tall!
Code of Ethics (found at Voughtaircraft.com)
It is Vought's policy to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in all aspects of company business and to meet all of the company's responsibilities to employees, stakeholders, customers, suppliers and to the public.
Isn't there a law against the company trying to encourage a Union Member to cross a picket line ? Why does this company want to break this Union ? I can not believe these people are this lowdown and mean. If the company will give us a good contract we will go back to work. How hard is this for them to understand ??? Does the company think we will enjoy working for them when we go back to work after being treated like a pack of stray dogs ???
"Code of Ethics (found at Voughtaircraft.com)
It is Vought's policy to maintain the highest standards of honesty and integrity in all aspects of company business and to meet all of the company's responsibilities to employees, stakeholders, customers, suppliers and to the public."
Boy that's funny. They were smoking crack in that conference room meeting... is that delusions of grandier. Change one word to "lowest" and it all works
The simplest thing like the SMOKING POLICY has been changed for these temporary workers! Now it's ok to smoke on company property! Do you think it will still be ok to smoke on company property when we go back? Why SURRRRRRRRRRRE! What a joke of a company! This company is like Maxie! It goes the way the wind blows even if it stinks!
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