At 4 PM the company came back and gave us a new counter-proposal, and it’s still VERY ugly and nothing acceptable to our membership. Here’s the lowlights:
2009: $0.50
2010: $0.50
2011: $0.50
Wow! A whole shiny QUARTER more!
That’s about equal to a 2.5 percent raise every year. When everyone else is getting 4% or 5% a year, this isn’t even CLOSE! LET YOUR MANAGER KNOW!
COLA: No change, still NO ROLL-IN.
AUTOMATIC PROGRESSION: raised the one-time raise – not to exceed the maximum – of $0.90. This won’t help any new hires. It shouldn’t take so long to get to the top – they obviously aren’t listening.
Ratification Bonus - $2,000
We need REAL raises, which pay off year after year. We don’t need a ratification bonus that will be gone by Christmas, leaving us with substandard pay, health care and pension.
Pension – Still the two-tier system, leaving everyone with 16 years or less behind. They bumped the multiplier some:
2009: $48
2010: $50
2011: $51
Be loud – tell your manager the two-tier pension that divides our membership WILL NOT GO – THIS IS A STRIKE ISSUE.
Today, each member of your Negotiating Committee spoke to Maxie and the Vought Committee. They spoke about our Seniority, the sacrifices we have made, and spoke strongly and from the heart about the company demand to divide us over pension rights. We need YOU to speak the same way to Vought management. Tell them NO!
HEALTH CARE – Premiums drop slightly - $22 a week for single, $45 for family. Premiums and out-of-pocket expenses still eat up the paltry raises offered.
TRANSFERS – Vought still demands to gut our Seniority rights.
OVERTIME – Vought still demands the forty-hour rule.
However, the company removed the demand for mandatory overtime – Make no mistake, YOUR voice has been heard, and YOU made the difference.
This shows how powerful your voice is, and how effective you can be on the shop floor.
We have a short time left, and we are LONG ways away from a good contract. We’ve sacrificed and sacrificed for this company, and it’s clear that they want MORE sacrifices, even in a time of great success for the company. MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD EVEN LOUDER. We need to either bring a great contract home, or stand together to vote for STRIKE.
Your Committee made another counter-proposal to the company at 6:30 PM. We are now awaiting the company’s next counter-offer.
Stay tuned!
hey guys this version still smells strongly! the newer people should have at least 2.00, for the one time increase. we should get at least a dollar a year, no dadburn bonus. no two tier system for retirement, and the same multiplier as Texas. no forty hour rule as for insurance, tell them to get real for goodness sakes.HANG IN THERE,WE ARE BEHIND YOU 100 percent
I want a ratification bonus and a good raise over next 3 years. Alot better INS. A pension and a 401, we deserve that, Social Security will not be here for long. Stick together on retirement, it will help us all in the long run. Love 3 yrs. instead of 5
Hello brothers and sisters, Heard about your fight. When will management learn that trying to split up the union seniority system is a non starter? Hang together, we're with you. Martin Eddy President LL774
Everyone says it's a bad time to strike with the economy the way it is. I say it's a bad time to give away any benefits with the economy the way it is, what better time to fight for what we need!!! I say we fight for a better life for us and our families. From what I have seen so far you have one sure strike vote here!
Someone needs to look closely at the "spouse rule" on the insurance. This is completely unfair. The married people this effects are being punished. They are being punished for having a two income household. They are being charged twice the premium as the single people, the married people who both work at Vought, or the married people whose spouses do not work. Its WRONG, WRONG, WRONG to punish someone for being married and having a second full time income. We should be able to carry our spouse on our insurance with full coverage so we don't have to pay double. With the "spouse rule" we are forced to carry two policies from two companies. Whats next, a demand for independant insurance for children, not offered by the company we work for.
What about a dental plan? I didn't see one, or did I miss it?
has anything been said about presonal hours instead of days and half day of vacation? you all are doing a good job keep it up.
This ecominic package is just another slap in the face by the company. I can't understand y this offer is so far below industry standards. A 2% raise is a joke, thats not even half of the standard. A one time progression is a joke, it took me eight years to top out. I could have been a doctor. Please remember our ratification bonus/early Christmas bonus from the last negotiations, tell them to stick it where the sun don't shine. No two-tier retirement, if anything we all need retirement insurance. For the insurance deal the last time I checked my wife was a part of my family, get real vought. I'm behind the committee 100%, yall are doing a great job. Thanks for all the info. I guess by the look of things we will be out the gate in 08.
I want to say thanks the negotiating comitte for all their hard work. Plain and simple new hires want toped out with in a 3 to 4 year period, counting the time they have already been at vought. We want a retirement pension and a 401k. We want the $60.00 that Dallas is getting, and we want insurance with a copay that will accept our spouse. They can keep theyre little sighning bonus that the government is going to take a third of and top us out. We are ready to strike on these issues.
im trin to figure out why we are sub standard humans in this companys eyes we couldn't afford chicken feed with this chicken sht!
Firstly, I would like to say this is the best negotiating comittee I have ever seen. They are correct to say this offer stinks! The 40 hour work before over time must go, this is a strike issue! I have sacrificed the past five years with the worst insurance I have ever had, and now they are "offering" to take my wife's away. If the US Government recoginzes my wife as part of the family should Vought not as well? Not only are they not offering insurance for my medical needs today, they are not offering retirement insuarce to junior employees for our future. How can this be just when I am doing the same job as the man across the aisle? For me this is a strike issue. The 50 cent raise per year is a joke, I would like to see ATLEAST 5% a year, per industry standard. At first my wife was not a strike supporter, she just didnt understand why I would choose to strike. However after reading this proposal she is one of the negotiating comittees number one supporters. Thank you Vought for adding one to our side.
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