Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Strike Update 9/30


G-4 said...


I know that there is one guy that is in there working. I am not really sure of the name just his situation.

He opted out of the union before the strike. His wife has cancer and there was no way that he could lose his health insurance and watch his wife die.

My thoughts and prayers are with him and his family and I have put forth a prayer request at the church. May God be them now

unhappy735 said...

I heard about him. Yes, he crossed the line. As a union brother, it pissed me off. As a human being, I can't hold it against him. At least he resigned from union before hand.

TS1 said...

My husband and I agree as well. Under these circumstances we can not blame him.

Of course if his only reason for crossing was the benefits he needs to go get on FMLA for his wife and be with her. Under section 825.307 of the FMLA if you are on FMLA the company has to continue your benefits.

(Guess that explains why they were trying to kick everybody off of it in the last month now doesn't it?)

striker1 said...

Has there been any of the non union employees cross like inspectors and such?

G-4 said...

To be honest what pisses me off about him crossing the line is not with him but that Maxie and Dan who has put US in this situation.

Not only to mention FMLA will cover him but I can not begin to imagine the price of medications and doctors visits! WE ALL have to admit our insurance is not the greatest.

I can understand the need to be with her but I also understand the will do anything for just one more breath with her!

As for everyone else that crossed SCUM.....

I know that G-4 had a couple of people in subs

doorgunner said...

To me, jumping out of the union right before a strike, or any other large event of this nature is kinda like joining the day of the vote and jumping out the day after we go back to work. Thats just personal opinion.

We have yet to confirm who this individual is, but from general conversation on the shop floor last week, it is apperant who it could be. There was an individual who was advertising he was going to cross the line because of health issues with his wife. I am not a person to point fingers until I can confirm the matter at hand.

From the information I have received from his past work experience, I would not put this past this suspect, or guarantee any of his info to be true. He was a known snitch, and known to be in bed with the company where he worked before. He was also in the UAW local at that location. FYI

If we could get a confirmation, it would be greatly appreciated.....

striker1 said...
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striker1 said...
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Now what? said...

OK we're on strike and whoohoo. That thrill is now over and when are the new negotiations going to begin? Any way of clarifying this whole situation and removing the shadows of doubt from many folks here? I, for one am behind the strike, but would also like to know what are the plans on trying to rectify the situation.

As far as the contractors working at Vought, I can only say that it would seem like they're going to miss more ship dates and have a bigger mess for us the longer that we are out on strike. Don't buy the hype that it's going to be the business as usual picture that they're trying to paint on the news, just to bluff the union some more.

I'm sure we would all like to know what is in the works and make something positive come from this, now that it's gone this far. Since the Vought negotiation team did not want to pay us with a good hourly wage. Looks like they have to pay well above even Dallas' wage to keep some contractors. Another brilliant move on their part yet again.

Nice black commando outfits on the guards too, apparently no expense is being spared from this awesome display that is being shown on TV. Looks like more fear tactics once again. Don't fall for the hype union brothers and sisters and stay strong.

striker1 said...

Yeah its just mind games but once reality sinks in later this week and they start to realize what a mess theyre in.....Then mabe theyll stop treating this like a game!

Bro's and Sisters we are strong,we are in the right and we do see through all these mind games!Stand strong!

A1 PIMPIN 24/7 said...
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trunkkeys said...

How do they explain to Airbus, Lockheed and Gulfstream their line impact is because Maxie insisted on low balling Nashville. "Mr. Airbus, we feel we have to keep Nashville pay $6 to $10 less than Dallas, we hope you don't mind the inconvenience.We felt too greedy to bump them up even a third of the way towards Dallas wages. But don't worry we have the most expensive guys on the plantet boring holes in your parts now." I'm sure Gulfstream and Lockheed understand and are happily grabbing ankles as well while Maxie lights a cigar.

flapwing said...

Here's some investment advice for all:

If you had purchased $1,000.00 of Delta Air Lines stock one year ago you
would have $49.00 left.

With Enron, you would have had $16.50 left of the original $1, 000.00.

With WorldCom, you would have had less than $5.00 left.

But, if you had purchased $1,000.00worth of beer one year ago, drank
all of the beer, then turned in the cans for the aluminum recycling
REFUND, you would have had $214.00.

Based on the above, the best current investment advice is to drink
heavily and recycle.

It's called the 401-Keg...

(just a little humor! stand strong brothers and sisters!)

unhappy735 said...

ok, i'll try this again. I agree that the talks should continue. How much money is being wasted on scabs, well, Johnson group is getting at least $60.00 for straight time and probably $80.00 for overtime at least. $3,000 bonus x 1000 people equals 3 million, they couldn't fix our ins. with 3 million. Please. This is Maxies, Dans and Dotys doing. Mr. Doty I know you are reading these posts. Heres the deal. You have a plant in Nashville that is run by MORONS. They are more concerned with covering their ass than they are with getting the parts to the line. I actually got tired of hearing from every backshop supervisor, Not my fault. I had no idea i didn't need to run 6 of one part and none of the other. Didn't know you needed these parts in the morning, will be there in 2 days. I can't help it your behind. It's pitiful and I'm sure you have been fed a load of crap. This place is screwed up and it is not the workers fault. You do have some good supervisors but they are fighting a losing battle. I've heard what goes on in meetings and everyone of the back shop supervisors just try to cover their ass. If they get the parts to us we get it out the door in the fastest time possible. You sir have a internal problem that has nothing to do with the workers. The workers do what they are told, if management can't get their act together you damn sure can't blame the workers.We like and appeciate our jobs but don't put lipstick on a pig and expect us to marry it. you sir,need to fix your internal problems and then we will be happy to talk to you. Your a numbers guy, run the scrap and production hours for 2 weeks and give my union commitee a call. I'm sure they will at least talk to you. You have been lied to for a long time. you need to know that

unhappy735 said...

sorry brothers and sisters, I got going and couldn't stop

flapwing said...

Andrews AFB Techs Ratify New

More than 300 IAM members who perform aircraft maintenance at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland, have ratified a new contract with DTS Aviation Services that provides wage increases of 14.5 percent over the life of the four-year agreement.

In addition to the wage increases, six additional classifications will receive a three percent equity adjustment while adding eight new classifications with increases up to 20 percent above what those classifications were previously earning.

The new accord, negotiated under Service Contract Act guidelines, also includes the IAM National Pension Plan and maintains the current 401(k) plan. Other improvements were made in vacation, sick leave, shift differential, shoe allowance, life insurance and working conditions.

( I saw this in GOIAM email news letter, stand strong brothers and sisters!!)

trunkkeys said...

This story must have came out of Dallas...

In the beginning was The Plan.
And then came the Assumptions.

And the Assumptions were without form.

And The Plan was without substance.

And darkness was upon the face of the Workers. And they spoke among themselves, saying, "It is a crock of shit and it stinketh."

And the Workers went into their Supervisors and said,
"It is a pail of dung and none may abide the odor thereof."

And the Supervisors went unto their Managers, saying, "It is a container of excrement and it is very strong, such that none may abide by it."

And the Managers went unto their Directors, saying, "It is a vessel of fertilizer and none may abide its strength."

And the Directors spoke amongst themselves, saying one to another, "It contains that which aids plant growth and it is very strong."

And the Directors went unto the Vice Presidents, saying, "It promotes growth and it is very powerful."

And the Vice Presidents went unto the President, saying, "This new Plan will actively promote the growth and vigor of the company with powerful effects."

And the President looked upon The Plan and saw that it was good. And The Plan became Policy.

And that is how Shit Happens

flapwing said...

Thats ok unhappy735!!

you are so right!!!

unhappy735 said...

trunkkeys that might be the most polically correct statement since a PC person said they can pick up the clean end of a turd

trunkkeys said...

It could be that last and final offer was some kind of "computer glitch"

unhappy735 said...

maybe I'm wrong, but i don't think Doty has ever been told the truth about what goes on in Nashville. If he had I think we would have seen a lot of people moving on. I think he has been lied to as much as we have. the old cover your ass defense. If you you want a cool drink of water go to the head of the stream, maybe we need to deal with Doty instead of who we have here. just a thought

Anonymous said...

Help me here guys! I've been trying to understand what we are negotiating for and see what the numbers indicate. I'm sure the union has much more sophisticated models upon which they based their decisions and are actively educating their members as to the pro's and con's of going to a 401k system vs. the current one among other decisions. I 'm sure there are all kinds of information about that decision and spreadsheets and numbers floating around right now.
I just couldn't find anything about it on the unions website.
I'd like to make sure I base my votes upon what really IS best for my family, and in order to do that, I need to do the calculations.
Where are they?

Thanks in advance,

Anonymous said...

James, it's pretty simple. Vought put all kinds of crap out that the 401(k) would give you 7 percent return. That's a gamble - you could conceivably LOSE EVERY DIME!

The company's numbers were just made up.

The pension is KNOWN, and it's there every week for the rest of your life. Sure, a 401(k) is a great way to save money - but the most important part is that pension.

The union put "Path to Retirement Security" on this blog on Sept 23rd. Go look at it. It gives you the facts.