Saturday, September 27, 2008


Yep, it's a strike. Our membership spoke loud and clear - 77% to reject, 94% to strike.

The strike begins tonight at 12:01 A.M.

Watch the website and blog for updates and strike information.

From the incomparable Billy Bragg:


david evans said...

Well, there you go. Ive tried to tell some of the folks in management how unhappy the members were about the contract offer. We all decided that we didnt want to lose this time. Its that plain and simple. We have heard supervision talking about how bad they got shafted on retirement and how much their latest increase in insurance premiums were. Well, I guess its not so easy to complain when you dont have a union to protect you. STRIKES SUCK..for everyone. Vought better pay atention, were asking for a decent contract so we can go back to work and build the same high quality aircraft we have been building for years. When the G450 project got behind a few months ago, management ask for us to help them out by working 16 hours a day 7 days a week...and once again we did and we got them back on schedule. These are the same people asking for a decent contract. Vought management needs to focus and remember who is taking care of them.

crimson69 said...
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crimson69 said...

well i hope this is all worth it... I personally have never been part of a strike and really don't know what to expect. I know I am concerned about taking care of my family now that I don't have a paycheck and with the unemployment rate the way it is and the economy, durning a election year mind you, i don't know where i will find one or even two to make up for the loss in wages that is going to occur. I sure hope the union representives truely know what they are doing, but I would have to say that the thing that bothers me the most durning this whole process, we saw what the company offered us, but not ONE TIME have I seen what the Union was asking for us and how far the two sides were truely off. I guess if I knew that it would ease my mind and my families minds. You know its hard to explain to four children under the age of 11 that their provider has a job but doesn't have money to provide for them right now. I truely hope this is a short process because the way things are right now, I don't know if I can wait "JUST ONE DAY" longer. This is and was my only income. I pray , and will alot more than normal, for a fast resolution to this process. I would still like to know what the proposal from the union was and think it should be made available, and not just we want what dallas has, I want to see it. I think I deserve that, or we deserve that however you want to say it. If you can't tell I am scared to death, and what,if when it is all said and done, we still end up with the same or less than was offered?