Thursday, September 25, 2008


At 10:00 AM, Vought negotiators presented your Committee with the Last, Best, and Final offer. Your Negotiating Committee has unanimously recommended a rejection of the contract and a vote to


We will be posting and distributing more information through the day.


martyb said...

Let's STRIKE IAM ready.Nashville always made money.Come on Vought show Us the Money.You'll be glad you did.United We Stand Local 735

striker1 said...


crimson69 said...

the only stike issue i see in the contract is the pension plan... Am I missing something?

unhappywife said...

My spouse makes better money than me in a non union shop. Better insurance, better retirement. To quote him "In a non skill, any untrained monkey job" Even he sees this contract is garbage. He and I both agree......grab your shoes Nashville. We do skilled work, work you must be trained to do. Weeks of unpaid training for what, poor insurance, no retirement, pension freezes, exclusion of spouses WHO ARE FAMILY. We deserve MORE than Texas.

Fill up your thermos, grab your coolers of soda, tie your shoes and grab your signs....its TIME TO HIT THE STREET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

unhappywife said...

Please allow me to say, no disrespect is meant by the comment my husband made. We mean no disrespect to anyone or any spouse working outside of Vought. The "monkey" statement was my husband's personal opinion of his own job.

The one thing we do agree on is that we, at Vought, are being treated unfairly with this contract offer and it is in our best interest to turn down this contract. As I said before, many of us went through weeks of unpaid training, many others have worked for years struggling to get what little we have. Now its time to get more, get what we all deserve, what we all have worked for.

Fair money, fair treatment, a way to retire when the time comes. It more expensive to live in TN than TX. IF you fear being on the street for a few weeks or months, think about this "offer" and the money they have offered. Food costs are continuing to go up, gas is rediculous. Will the small peanuts they have offered us make up for what we will have to pay over the next three years just to get to work and feed our families. I don't think so. If you are struggling now, you will be struggling more if you accept this contract over the next three years.