When Vought Stole Christmas
For many families of Vought strikers in
The kudos, of course, stopped at the bargaining table. Vought demanded their employees take big takeaways. When the proposal was rejected, instead of coming back to the table and listening to their fine workforce, they decided instead to PUNISH the workers. They quickly hired out-of-state scab temporary workers, spent millions on private union-busting security and buses, in an attempt to break the union and the workers.
At the table, Vought negotiators said they were the only one that cared about the employees. One wonders, when they are at their Christmas tree tomorrow morning with their families, stuffed with presents for their kids, what they will think about the families of those on strike.
For many years, we thought the world of Charles Dickens was a relic of the past. Bob Cratchit was a wage slave, with a sick child. The greedy, ruthless Ebenezer Scrooge hoarded his wealth, never caring about his hard-working employee. Some things, it seems, never changes.
Sadly, there seems to be no Ghosts of Christmas past, present or future in
And they want you to be GRATEFUL for it.
One wonders, as they watch those Christmas retellings of Dicken’s classic story, whether they see themselves in it, or if they root for Scrooze, telling him not to give in to HIS ungrateful employee?
Remind your children and family that this strike is about a brighter future for all the workers at Vought, for better Christmases in the future. Sometimes sacrifice now is needed to ensure better days ahead. Tell them that other sacrificed so that we could have a good life, and that we can’t give up what they fought so hard to get.
Here’s the bottom line. Our strike continues to work, the pickets hold up well. The company did everything they could to break our will, and they are more than willing to ruin our Christmases and punish our children, too. Our Solidarity ensures we will win our strike. The TRUE Spirit of Christmas resides in each and every one of us, on this Christmas Eve, because we have our families, we have our pride, and we stand up together for a better life.
Greed has no place in the true Christmas Spirit. We can only pray that a spirit DOES touch the hard hearts of Vought managers, and heal them and make them remember that millions of dollars in their pockets does nothing to cover up the pain they’ve caused to make it.
I read in the Bible that God will over come evil for good hang on there is light at end of the tunnel and we will over come God Bless you all this with the best that heaven has to offer
I fully agree with you and I also remember when Doty,Tharp,Maxie was giving out praises about our performance that they was only trying to rally support for their own bonuses. Remember when they were going to give us a 4% bonus and the management a 6% bonus, then they said they had made a mistake in their figures and could not give the hourly workers theirs but management gots theirs, that was all planned Doty was against giving us one anyway so Scrooge is a very good description of mamagement. I wonder what ever happened to that 4 million anyway they made it clear at the meeting we had in the old cafeteria that it was not any of our business so Doty's actions spoke louder than Tharp's words.
I hope All of you had a Merry Christmas and a better New Year!My Better Half and myself will have ALL of you in our thoughts and prayers.
God will forgive you for what you have done against the company and your fellow workers! Jesus still loves you!
My husband spent part of Christmas day walking his regular picket line shift, just like he spent part of Thanksgiving day there and will spend part of New Year's day there.
He walked the line in 89, and hopefully this will be the last time... but it takes what it takes to show them we are STRONG.
vought stole my Christmas
Just want to say thank you to our IAM Local 735 Negotiating Committee. All of you are in our prayers and we are thankful for each and everyone of you.
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