Friday, December 5, 2008

Strike Update

We have been contacted by the Federal Mediator, and we have been asked to meet with the Mediator and company negotiators next Friday, Dec. 12th in Nashville. We have accepted and will be there.


Anonymous said...

bout time

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work guys. No takeaways! Im sure this round will be over quick.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I sure hope they are going to come up with something better than what I have read on there website.It looks as if nothing has changed.If thats the case my vote remains the same.


Anonymous said...

There is no need to cross the line now. You have to wait a week for a paycheck anyways, by that time this strike will be over. Hang in there yal we almost have the crystal skull in our grasp.

Anonymous said...

i think and hope you guys are getting the picture get this thing negotiated

Anonymous said...

if they think we are going back for that sh.t they can just keep their scabs ..... im in a way glad to know how much i mean to them!that will help my work attidude ....the first years i worked there every time i turned around it was pink slip time and if you had a good attidude tward them they would get it out of you i guess they needed to reitrate how much they think of me !

Anonymous said...

As you know, we are required by law to deal with the Union on your behalf and we have. We will only negotiate with the
Union, not with individual employees...... what about the money given to the paintshop scabs!

Anonymous said...

What a crock of chit. On the company website they say they are ready to sit down and discuss the Nov.13th proposal. If that's all they are going to offer why should our negotiating committee even waste their time. The proposal we struck on was ridiculus but the Nov proposal is really a joke. They want to take our percentage pay for vacations away, sub out our Maint. and PC, and be able to bring in subs anytime they see fit without limitations??? If we let them get away with that, heck they'll have all our work vended out and contractors doing all the work that's left, and all of us out the door and we wouldn't have any say so in the matter whatsoever. Just another typical slap in the face by a non caring company in it's quest of ultimate greed.

Anonymous said...

I read most of the Nov 13th proposal and got sick now I know why I standing behind our IAM 735negotiations committee.

Anonymous said...

I noticed these words on Vought's site: "We are Vought employees.
No matter what the task or obstacles, we get the job done. Our customers frequently recognize our professional craftsmen and our entire workforce for our dedication to quality." and then they try to replace us with scabs. (shakes lowered head with disappointment)

terry said...

Guns or not, let's talk and hear what Vought has to say. I support the strike and be out as long as it takes, but I need to know whats going on. I don't know isn't cutting it my wife much longer!!

Anonymous said...

yeah but isnt the contract the same one that was rejected on the 13th of november

flapwing said...

I won't get my hopes up yet!

Sounds like Vought is going to pitch that same old contract again and still not address the memberships issues.

Maby that is their plan. To see how many will cross this time.

Looks like it is going to be a long December.



2nd shift GIV T/E

Anonymous said...

I hope this meeting is an actual negotiation. Maybe the Vought will show the employees some respect and show up with the intent to get us back to work. Maybe the union will be ready to compromise and an actual dialog will open.
Maxie has been wrong in everything he has done but he is right when he said the strike benefits no one.
Good Luck 735.
I will be praying for you.

Anonymous said...

First Vought came after the young peoples pension then they came after the union; next it will be our pension, the older people.If we don;t stand together now it will be to late next week.we the poople are the union,so stand together and don;t listen to all that bull the company is putting is important;but have got to think about the years to come;our kids and grandkids are the future at this plant.

Anonymous said...

Maxies' still in denial even after all this. He thinks were going to accept their best and final offer. He needs to put the crack pipe down.

Anonymous said...

I guess we all know that they (Vought) are gonna try to offer that same B S that was brought to the table last time!!! I have the upmost confidence in our negotiating comm. that they won't even bring that BS to us!
personally,I feel that if it still offers all of the takeaways Vought can take it,and stick it where the sun don't shine!! We are to far into the game to throw in the towel now! I know that there is people out there hurting,but we are all in this together!! Our hardship comm. has done a fantastic job helping all of our brothers,and sisters out,so if you are in need of help contact union hall!!! The company we work for is so low down! I thank God for unions! All for one,and one for all! Keep the faith,and stay strong LL 735!! God Bless Us All♥

Anonymous said...

Good luck negotiating committee!!! Go get them. Wear them down. Try to find common ground on one small issue and then find another small issue your can agree on. Remember, you can't wait til all the lights are green to go to town...

one light at a time..

May God bless your efforts and our families.

Anonymous said...

Maxies still scared.

Anonymous said...

Well, the truth is out.Vought had full intentions of putting us on strike with the first proposal and had no intentions of taking a chance the second round if we had voted again so they added all the other trash to make sure we stayed out.2 weeks prior to the vote ,their contract services company was hiring scabs telling them to report on Mon. the 29th.The funny part was they called some of our people that was inside the plant working trying to hire them but hung up on them when they were told I'm Working There NOW !It's obvious now Vought's intention's of negotiating in GOOD FAITH was a lie and they were doing this while they were setting at the table with our people!It was the old Pearl Harbor trick again!!Talking on the front and attacking us behind our back ,setting us up for the kill!We are exactly were they wanted us!They have full intentions of trying to break this union and local.I think they have just violated Labor Law.We need to burn their rear ends!!!!You can negotiate with them all you want and I think you should for the people that need to go back for whatever they can get but as for me, I can't work for someone like this for any amount of money or benifits.What I'm telling you is true and can be proven!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank Bart Gorden for his help in getting things moving but if Vought thinks that means that they can come back with the same proposal that we rejected on 9/27, I for one will not vote for it. I also want to thank the committe for their work and don't give up anything now for we have been out too long to go back with anything less than what we oringally ask for in our proposal,maby since Vought has acted as they have we should ask for even more, such as stronger contract language for job security for all classfications.

Anonymous said...

negotions are about negotiating what we need. so take there initial offer and negotiate out the stuff we hate and in with the stuff we need. then we will have a fair contract. take a deep breath of humble pie and sit down and talk it out

Anonymous said...

I think the negotiating committee should ask tough questions about why Vought wants to sling people off the pension fund so badly. Did the fund take a huge lose recently? Did they borrow from it too much? Did some of the money dissappear?? Is the pension fund solvent today? Show us the records. Those records should be shared with this local and posted on this site and their site. Lets shine a light on this pension fund deal and see what they are up to... There might be an iou post-it note in there.. Any wrong doings needs to come out now.

Anonymous said...

They need to sell Nashville to Spirit or Airbus North America. These Texans are getting old.

Anonymous said...

Chances are that they will throw down the same old proposal. Thats why they want to meet on a Friday. If they wanted to work this out they would meet on a Monday or Tuesday and then have the rest of the week to talk. I think they are happy for what they have got done for the year and are not ready for us til the first of the year. If they get some people to cross its like gravy on a biscuit to them. Just remember the timing of our next contract. It would be better to vote on a new contract at the first of the year and not right before Christmas. Hang in there yal, the best is yet to come.

Anonymous said...

Its funny how one call to Elmer got them back to the table. That just shows how bad these managers are here in Nashville. I wouldn't have them in charge of the vegetables at Kroger.

Anonymous said...

Nanner says he is still behind the committie. Just glad to hear that we are at least gonna meet.Stand strong and firm we the people are stil with you.

Anonymous said...

Nanner says he is still behind the committie. Just glad to hear that we are at least gonna meet.Stand strong and firm we the people are stil with you.