Friday a woman and her eight-year-old daughter came to the picket lines. Her daughter has seen the strikers walking the picket lines every day, and wanted to do something to help. They brought bread, luncheon meats, chips and cokes for the strikers. They didn't leave their names.
Our picketers all hugged and thanked the little girl for caring. It's a great thing, in this Christmas season, that the little eight-year-old wanted to do something to help and to show she cared.
Brothers and sisters, this is something that touches your heart. We are grateful, and we won't forget your act of kindness.
From our union, to the mother and daughter in the Ford Ranger who stopped by the pickets 2:00 Friday, thank you, and have a very Merry Christmas. The Christmas Spirit is alive and well in your hearts.
Does this sound familiar. The black shirted SS (Defense Detachment) of Heinrich Himmler, which fulfilled certain "defense" and intelligence/security functions in and for Adolf Hitler's Nazi Party. On the first week of the strike while walking the picket line I remember thinking that the new security that vought had employed look like the SS all dressed in black in a military stance in front of the gates it’s scary how they sound so much alike read on to see how much. Hitler's distrust of the Wehrmacht (Armed Forces), prompted him to replace the members of the Army who had traditionally stood guard at the Chancellor's office, with his personal SS bodyguard. Vought already had security they also must have distrust of the security they had in place. The Nazi street thugs, who had already intimidated, brutalized, hospitalized, or murdered so many Germans who opposed the Nazis. Sounds like the new security when they pushed their way through the picket line and bully the people walking the line. All this time, the SS was privately funded by a club known as the "Friends of the Reichsführer-SS" (the Reichsführer-SS was Heinrich Himmler), which included many prominent industrialists and bankers. Sounds a little like the Carlyle group. It was Hitler's SS bodyguard that led the Wehrmacht's March 1936 occupation of the neutral Rhineland, in violation of the Versailles Treaty. Flexing his new-found political muscle after the seizure of the Rhineland. Sounds like Maxie when he came to the last two attempts at negotiations with his armed bodyguard. I could go on but I believe you have the idea by how. The company will do anything they can to have their way.
Just maybe ~Doty,Tharp,or Maxie will read this,and be touched by it as much as I am...
Thank you to the caring lady,and her granddaughter!
~Merry CHRISTmas~
If the world only had more like that little gril and her mother what a wonderful world it would be. May God bless you and hope you have a Merry Christmas
This story warmed my heart. I hope those working at Vought realize that while they sit at their table with their families this year some of us want be together for Christmas. For 25 years I have been married never have I been seperated from my husband for Christmas. It's amazing that a stranger could be more kind than an employer! God Bless you all even those at Vought. For the little girl with the big heart children like you will change the world. God Bless you ;) Tina
Last year Tharp could not hold himself together at an all hands meeting with regard to a letter related to a Childs Christmas. Is he tore up this year because some of his company "family" is suffering a similar Christmas? I think not. And no, its not our fault that the Grinch wanted to take away vested pension funds and then refused to talk about for 80 plus days. Tharp I hope you spend an extra moment looking yourself in the mirror Christmas morning.
i to was walking the picket line friday and two people that builds amana appliances stopped buy. their union said that they are behind us 100% and they brought us country ham and biscuit. vought needs to face it the unions are alive and well. they are not going away. they can hire all the union busting S.O.B.'s they want. right now we are in the middle of history being made. the big three might take bankrupcy. they will reopen with no union. IT'S A FACT.we need to stay strong for not only us but for every other union that is or will be in a battle. we need to remember those unions and show them the same respect they showed us.
Lets do a countdown on our website for when the 4th qtr SEC report is due... hehe
Tonight I sit here knowning that The Spirit Lives. As I woke to rush around and take care of things that my husband usely does I received a phone call from my brother. He and his wife had talked it over and he is traveling 6 1/2 hours to pick up my husband to bring him home in time for Christmas. Okay, thats one of my Blessings. Then as I went to the union that had so graciously decided to have the angel tree, I picked up about 4 items, one of those items was a little doll that one of the members insisted I take for my daughter. Then I went by our local 735 to pick up my daughters angel tree gifts. I returned home to wrap the gifts and place under the tree then went to pick up my daughter from her grandmother. As we were on our way home I told my daughter I had a surprise at home and I thought she would be in a better spirit not telling her why. Once home I turned on the lights, she stood amazed at the fact we had presents under the tree. Her face was glowing and as she says every year; Mom can I open one? I told her to look carefully under the tree and she would see a gift that was waiting for her. She looked under the tree and found the doll. She then sits down to unwrap the backpack that came with the doll and finds, The Ten Commandments on little plaques and finds a scroll with the story of Abraham and Sarah. I had no idea those things were with the doll, but I sit here tonight knowing God is telling me that things are going to be okay. I usely run around doing and giving but this year I have walked in the other shoes. I want to say thanks for all who have made it possible for my daughter to have a Christmas. With her daddy able to come home and gifts under the tree she will have a wonderful holiday. Thanks for the reminder that came with the doll, that if we wait and listen God will answer. God Bless You All and Thank You.
Thanks to all those who helped with the angel tree, you have made it possible for my child to have a Christmas.
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