Friday, September 26, 2008

Who runs this Union? THE MEMBERS!

Vought's latest, entitled "Communication Meeting" is something else.

Vought just doesn't get it. Our Union is a DEMOCRACY, as we've already said. The "International Reps" don't give orders to the members, the members are PROUD AMERICANS, and the International Reps and local leadership works FOR them!

The strength of this Union is the MEMBERS. The shop floor RUNS this Union, and it's the Shop Floor that will WIN this strike. You have the POWER to control your destiny. You have the power of Solidarity, that is far more powerful than anything the company has.

If you don't build airplanes, Vought doesnt make money.

You have their attention! Be at the vote tomorrow, we'll answer ALL questions, and you, the membership, holds your future in your hands.



let s stick it to them maybe they will loose that god status they think they have!

G-4/49 said...

were was maxie and dan anyway @ 11??

what does it show you when you can't even show up for your own meeting?

who has balls now maxie?

gonads said...

You all are like a bunch of sheep. you can't seem to think for yourself and go where the union bosses tell you to.

Anonymous said...

Maggie's Farm

I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
No, I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
Well, I wake in the morning,
Fold my hands and pray for rain.
I got a head full of ideas
That are drivin' me insane.
It's a shame the way she makes me scrub the floor.
I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.

I ain't gonna work for Maggie's brother no more.
No, I ain't gonna work for Maggie's brother no more.
Well, he hands you a nickel,
He hands you a dime,
He asks you with a grin
If you're havin' a good time,
Then he fines you every time you slam the door.
I ain't gonna work for Maggie's brother no more.

I ain't gonna work for Maggie's pa no more.
No, I ain't gonna work for Maggie's pa no more.
Well, he puts his cigar
Out in your face just for kicks.
His bedroom window
It is made out of bricks.
The National Guard stands around his door.
Ah, I ain't gonna work for Maggie's pa no more.

I ain't gonna work for Maggie's ma no more.
No, I ain't gonna work for Maggie's ma no more.
Well, she talks to all the servants
About man and God and law.
Everybody says
She's the brains behind pa.
She's sixty-eight, but she says she's fifty-four.
I ain't gonna work for Maggie's ma no more.

I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
No, I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
Well, I try my best
To be just like I am,
But everybody wants you
To be just like them.
They say sing while you slave and I just get bored.
I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.

TS1 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TS1 said...

Dear "Gonads"

Please make use of the great spell check feature which is available on most computers now. You may want to run a grammar check as well.
Your use of the word "yourself" in your response to this post was a poor choice of wording. "Yourself" is a singular pronoun. Singular indicates ONE. This is a collective group looking out for THEMSELVES. They are standing united and looking out for each other not only as individuals but as brothers and sisters who are only asking for fairness. They will no longer be bullied by your scare tactics.

After you check the grammar and spelling of your blog responses I have a copy of a statement that was issued this afternoon that has strikingly similar grammatical errors. One might have to think they were done by the same author.

To the members of LL 735- stand your ground and DO NOT back down! This will bring you closer not only as a Union of co-workers, but as friends and a community as a whole

MrLogical said...

We would be mindless sheep if we didn't think for ourselves and knew there was a turd in the punch bowl and still drank it anyway.

There's a reason it's called collective bargaining, we are the collective members of this Union and want what's in our best interest, for ourselves and families, as well as the companies. Both the Union and company can thrive together, if a "fair" agreement is offered.

We are the wolves in sheep's clothing that see you, gonads, as upper managements prey and a person that doesn't have a backbone when it's crunch time. So go back and warm the bench for them. May I also suggest the aforementioned punch to you?

The company invested in new machinery, but it doesn't run itself. We're not second rate workers, why accept second rate pay? Our meddle has been tested and we should be justly rewarded.

We are looking out for each other, as Union members should, and stand together united.

We've "got our heads around it" and started "thinking outside the box", when we saw the "bigger picture". Here's a new catch phrase for the upper echelons to use with our negotiating committee, it's called "sharing the wealth".

scabhata said...

call their bluff, show them were tough!

scabhata said...

lets see;more airbus work,more c-130,more giv ,cessna,new paint booths new gemcor machines but only .75 cent pay increase,give up our seniority,give our pension,give up our working spousal insurance,you do the math,the writings on the wall!

unhappy735 said...

can we get a copy of spirits benefits sat. to compare to ours. We need to see how much lower our company thinks about us. Way to go 5* 8 day shift, you sent a very strong message today.

Anonymous said...

I went to the second meeting that lasted all of 2 to 3 minutes. We as a group did not go into the roped off area; We are not sheep being led to slaughter. Mr. Tharpe came to us and we clearly stated what we should all say. SPEAK TO OUR COMMITTEE that is what we asked our union brothers and sisters to do for us remember 4 years ago, Nashville gone; remember your bonus while the rest of vought plants got fatter; remember all the crap that has been dished to us telling us it was puddin. Remember the abusive supervisors out there on the floor, some are still out there and have been reprimanded; but there still working there; cause that is what vought and dan want. When I was younger and I would meet a pretty little thing I would always buy them dinner and drinks with only one thing in mind. Hell I want more than crackers for the sticking their trying to give us. SUPPORT YOUR UNION. THE YANKEE

communicator said...

If there is a chance that you won’t retire before the next contract (3 years) then you need to stand with the younger half on this “Pension/401(k) Split” because some of the senior workers will retire and next it will be you who’s pension will be attacked because you will be in the minority. By standing with your younger Brothers and Sisters, you insure your own pension because by securing it for others, you secure it in the plant.

First they came for the retirement insurance and they could only take it from half of us.
By doing that, they split the vote!

Then they came for the Pension! If they could only take it from half of us…
That would split the vote again!

Next they will start to replace occupations with contractors!
That will split the workforce even deeper!

They know that when we stand together we can hold our grown!
Standing together is the only way we can!


walknthegate said...


communicator said...

I work 3-12s. The 40-hour rule will cost me about $200.00 a week! That’s a strike issue for me.
$200.00 a week is about $10,000.00 a year! That’s what you call a major issue and yes, I am ready to strike over that.

Calling a shift a “work week” means that a shift like 4-10s might get gobs of overtime while 3-12s might not get any at all. I don’t really like to work overtime and mandatory overtime would have been a strike issue for me but with this (calling a shift a “Work Week”) language I would be giving up “Similar Opportunities” for overtime with other shifts. That's another strike issue for me! That's just another way this company is trying to split the Union!

communicator said...

Let’s talk about the 40-hour rule.

If you have low seniority, guess where you’ll be every weekend!
That’s right; you’ll be stuck working every weekend and you’ll only be able to work 36 hours a week; all straight time. Even if you work another day, the first 4 hours will be only straight time!

Because I work the 3-12 shift, the 40-hour rule will cost me $30,000.00 over the life of this contract!
Let’s see: $30,000.00 divided by $1,000.00 a week. That’s 30 weeks!
The company expects me to just give then 30 weeks of work for free?!!!
I’d rather be on strike for 30 weeks than to work it for them FOR FREE !!!!

Ummm, can you say, “no-brainer!”!!!

No wonder this committee rejected the companies offer!

fast johnny said...

lets see that they get what they been giving!!!

communicator said...

Let’s look at a 4-10 worker. A 4-10 worker gets paid 45 hours for a 40-hour week.
He or she gets 5 hours of overtime pay for that week. That’s about $100.00 and for some maybe $125.00 for others.

Let’s see: $100.00 x 52 weeks = $5,200.00 a year.
$5,200.00 x 3 years = $15,000.00 over the life of this contract.
If you make less than that, then it hurts even more.

And if the 40-hour rule costs you $125.00 a week; it would cost you $19,500.00 over a 3-year period.

For the 4-10 worker; the 40-hour rule will cost you about 15 weeks of pay over the life of this contract.
Do you think the company can afford to be on strike for 15 weeks?!

These numbers are rough numbers but I think they are accurate.
Take a look at your check and see how they apply to you.

Convert the “take-a-ways” in to weeks to see how long you can afford to be on strike.
And remember once they take it away; you will have to play hell to get it back.
That’s why we fight now while we have a chance.
This is the best chance we have had for a good contract in over 20 years!

crimson69 said...

i don't believe you are understanding the 40 hour rule or i don't my understanding is you will still be paid as you are now, however, if you miss a scheduled day of work....then you would have to make up that time before you can work overtime...and it is a WORK WEEK regardless of whether it is 4-10's or 3-12's...if your work week is 3-12 that is your work still get paid for 45 they are not taking out the over 8 hrs time and a half and over 12 double time or in 3-12 8 hours straight 2 hours and time and half and 2 hours double time which would give you 45....this is what needs to be clarified... it is to stop people from bucking the overtime rule by missing scheduled days, coming in on a qualify day for overtime, and then working their scheduled days at overtime pay which i am sorry that is taking advantage.

unhappywife said...

They did some of what they were aiming for last night by contacting the media. The community has decided we are greedy people who are only out for the money. 1 remark from TX and 2 from TN. The TN comments attacking us saying how greedy and ignorant we are for not taking whats being offered. Lets hope the news actually speaks to someone from our side and shows the truth, not the garbage the company is trying to feed not only us but our community as well.

Its always easier to attack and insult things from the outside when you don't have the facts. The fact is, we are being hurt and not helped. That needs to be shown not only to our brothers and sisters in this fight but to the community which we live in.

scabhata said...

vought made a mistake by telling the media the average wage was 20.00 per hour,my friends have called and said they thought i made a lot more,i stand to lose 800.00 dollars a week before taxes ,how much does vought stand to lose?