Saturday, November 22, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008

We will be accepting donations Monday at the Union Hall when you come to pick up your Strike checks. Please take this opportunity to make sure everyone is able to enjoy a Thanksgiving Dinner this year. Donations will be used to buy Kroger Gift Cards for our members who need a

Your help is deeply appreciated
and we wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Write to your elected official!
Here's the link. A letter is pre-written for you if you wish, or you can add to or change the letter as needed. You can tell them your story and how this has affected your family. At the bottom of the page, there is also a "tell-a-friend" button, where you can let your friends and family also ask for the support. Let's shower them with emails!
Let your elected officials know that they need to support the working families of Tennessee.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Something to think about
This is what we are fighting for, the future for our families and our coworkers. Tennessee Ernie embodied the pride and fight in Tennessee workers. Carlyle has misjudged us.
From the Tennessean 11/19
To the Editor:
George Reynolds, in his letter, “Vought workers are lucky to have jobs,” Nov. 15, makes several statements that simply are not true.
When a company has made money because their workers are highly skilled and committed to producing quality products and satisfying their customers, it is not luck that they have a job.
Then, when that same company takes advantage of a down economy and record unemployment to try to take benefits from those same workers who had made them profitable, then it does matter what we are striking for. Mr. Reynolds then tries to lay the blame for this nation’s failed trade policies on labor unions.
My heart also goes out to workers who have no jobs to go to because of the greed of corporations who have moved their jobs out of our country and exploited workers around the world.
If there ever was a time when labor unions are needed, it is now.
Mike Worrell,
President, LL 735
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Monday Morning!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Vought Story
Negotiators Were Armed, Union Officials Say
According to union officials, Vought negotiators arrived armed with guns.
Federal mediators tried to keep the peace by attempting to hash out the unsettled issues between the company and union officials. The two sides never spoke face to face.
The strike began at the end of September. About 800 union workers are now on strike but have been replaced by temporary workers.
One word, folks. Priceless.
IMF support
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Press Statement
November 11, 2008 – As the IAM met with a Federal Mediator today, company Negotiators arrived at the hotel where mediation was being held with armed guards that accompanied the company officials into the meeting room. The
“This was certainly an insult to both the IAM and the Vought workers, who have conducted a peaceful strike in the face of outrageous tactics by Vought management, using strikebreakers instead of negotiating in good faith,” said Local Lodge 735 President Mike Worrell. “This shows a complete lack of respect for their workers who have given years of loyal service to this company. It is shameful to demand that workers give their pensions up to a highly profitable company at a time like this.”
"This strike was triggered when Vought tried to walk away from its pension obligations," said Worrell. "It will be resolved only when Vought responds to the very legitimate concerns of its workforce."
IAM International President Tom Buffenbarger said “Our Union is democratic, and the elected negotiators of the Local Lodge are in charge of the negotiations. Vought obviously doesn’t understand how our union operates. We are working with the Local Lodge to keep the Carlyle Group from committing grand larceny in their immoral attempt to steal the pensions of hard-working Americans who have made Vought a highly profitable company,” said International President Tom Buffenbarger. “Vought was unwilling at this time to bargain to keep the pension for all the employees on strike, so the mediator ended the meeting.”
“The tactics of Vought and Carlyle are NOT good-faith tactics. Armed guards and attacks in the press is no way to come to an agreement,” said Buffenbarger.
Additional information about the strike is available at
We feel that the company is using the same type of tactics that have been used in other recent negotiations. We know you will not fall for this. We want to thank each and every one of you for your support. Obviously, the Company hasn't heard the membership!
Your elected Negotiating Committee.
Mediation Unsuccessful
Brothers and Sisters,
We met this afternoon with Federal Mediation. The mediator worked with each of the parties separately, and after several back-and-forth trips, the mediator released both parties, saying, “Federal Mediation was not successful at this time.”
In Solidarity,
Your Negotiating Committee
Monday, November 10, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Winpisinger Negotiations Class
Thursday, November 6, 2008
IAM video on Negotiations
We're always pushing harder for good contracts across the nation. Our International has worked hard to give our locals the tools they need to be successful, whether it's at the negotiating table, or on the picket lines.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Support Letter from IG Metall
Sunday, November 2, 2008
57-day strike at Boeing ends
Saturday, November 1, 2008
No Boeing strike vote tally yet
Hardship Committee and Jobs Committee
And the companion Blog Spot
Go here to assist others with job leads, clothing, food, and money or in whatever way you can.
This is also a place to find assistance.
There are many job leads posted on this blog.
Also visit to contact the committee members.