Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Click on flyer for large size


Anonymous said...

i have to say the IAM 735 has stepped up and fought for its members. something like that doesnt happen all the time. this year we watched hawker-beechcraft go on strike to avail with improvements on their contract. we watched boeing go on strike and gain major improvements on their contract. and now we are in our eighth week of our strike and let me say we will WIN, WE SHALL NOT ALLOW THIS COMPANY TO TAKEAWAY THE VERY REASON WE ARE HERE, WE SHALL REMAIN STRONG, WE WILL GET A BETTER CONTRACT WHETHER ITS TODAY TOMORROW OR AFTER THE FIRST OF THE YEAR. i would like to add i have been praying for the union brothers and sisters i have on the line walking day in and day out, and i have prayed for our negotiating comittee for the knowledge and patience when dealing with the companies inferior negotiators, and strength for the local IAM 735, well when i woke up this morning and checked the website all my prayers have been answered. so i would like to thank Vought for being the mule that has delivered us our strength. if it wasn't for you we might not be as strong as we are. so with a sincere, gracious heart THANK YOU Vought for giving us the strength we needed to fight the good fight.

Anonymous said...

True dat !!!

Anonymous said...

There has got to be a law somewhere for what they are pulling here. Pretty soon we will have to march and start saluting. I think we are going to have to turn the heat up a notch. They sound like a bunch of slave traders.

Anonymous said...

The future depends on what we do in the present.

Mahatma Gandhi

Anonymous said...

A union is right, not a luxury.Scabs and free loaders drink from a well that they did not dig. Brothers and sisters from past generations dug this well.Some giveing their lifes for the rights that we enjoy and sometimes take for granted.
With this said,let vought aircraft know that they will not take away any of the rights that Local 735 has been built on.

Anonymous said...

What do your customers think when they come and visit the plant now, or in the near future.......your parking lots look like a war zone, with all the high intensity lights and the black guard, not to exclude the hollering pickets, and the big fat GREEDY PIG TYCOON!

How long can you afford to assinate you own character and reputation, for a few beans!

Look toward Boeings lead, and end your mad hatter experiment, since it is NOT WORKING!

Anonymous said...


Start with the 2003-2008 Contact,

add: 1.00 1st.
.75 2nd.
.75 3rd

53.00 1st. retirement
54.00 2nd.
55.00 3rd

keep +16 yr or less retirement going if 5 yr, vested

Keep Vacations at 2003-2008 language


you may add 401K on the side, but who cares!

Keep Medical at 2003-2008 costs or less, and leave working spouses out of the mix!


Anonymous said...

Look on the brightside yal, from not being at work in the hazardous environment and the stress from mr. "jet builder" telling ya to put your safety glasses on and earplugs in , we will probably live at least 5 extra years than we were suppose to.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the term of the Strike clause in customer contracts? If its 60 days then the pressure may be on them real soon.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the calculator vought can we have some more toys to amuse ourselves with while you go belly up for being idiots. P P P PLEASE

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This last contract offer is meant to make it look like there will concessions made for the next negotiation talk. Vought has loaded this last offer with all the stink they could muster, just to use it for the upcoming talks. So it will look to the federal mediator like they are really putting forth an effort to work with the IAM.

They really DO NOT want mandatory overtime! It is just another diversionary tactic to try to shove the 16 year and under pension plan into effect, when it comes to time ratify the new contract.

Vought knows that conceding to the IAM in Nashville on this issue will have further ramifications with Vought Dallas' union, which already has this 16 year and under pension plan in effect.

The nice touch award goes to putting the Dallas workers seniority back in effect on this new offering. The IAM already voted that one down, roughly a year or so ago, here in Nashville.

This is just another magic show that Vought and Carlyle are putting on. Trying to use cheap gimmicky diversions with sub par offerings to the IAM, in order to push this screw job of a pension plan to each and every one of it's facilities in the future and like a spoiled child that doesn't get it's way, has a temper tantrum, when it can't and makes up lies about it all.

So this Christmas may not have all the fanciest, newest presents for the IAM LL735's members and families, but winning this contract, with no takeaways, will give Vought and Carlyle a gift that will keep giving back to them for many years to come, with each and every union that they try to stream roll over with this absurd new pension plan and a bright future of more strikes in other facilities to enjoy.

This is the ulterior motive of the corporate headquarters at Vought and Carlyle, which is the reason they are willingly losing so much money at Nashville. They know the rewards they would reap from this new pension plan would be another payout later and therefore, recover their losses from the Nashville strike. Letting every union in Vought know this tactic will only assure that they will not fool anyone.

It's all about seeing the "big picture" and "thinking outside the box" isn't it Dan Tharpe? I think I'll enjoy the ham I buy myself this year a lot more than those that have been given by Vought. The hams were easier to swallow than any of the contract offers made.

At least we have all the turkey's we can handle with this game of charades being played by Vought and Carlyle. Happy Thanksgiving to all you highball drinking brainiacs at the upper levels! Salute!

Anonymous said...

AMEN! Union Strong, people have forgotten why Union were formed in the first place. Everyone need a history lesson especially the one that has crossed you picket line. Stand Strong And Proud Union Brothers And Sisters.

God Bless You All

Anonymous said...

The company post how much money in wages have been lost by the union members since the strike began. I think it would be interesting for them to post how much money all the scab labor has cost them since the strike began.

We are pushing 11Million. I would say that they have spent 40 or 50 Million on scab labor. I really don't get it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Remember " Norma Rae "

The old companies used to make you dig your own grave just before you croked. Thats what you get with no union.

Anonymous said...

I really don't know why Vought just doesn't make the 401K optional. Enough people will opt out to make it worthwhile for them. I actually prefer a 401K and probably more than a few others feel that way also.

Anonymous said...

Negotiating committee should put together our own pie in the sky proposal and call Maxie out to discuss it. His letter says he wants to negotiate. Get him in front of you and marathon negotiate for days until you wear them down to middle ground. Not negotiating is not negotiating. Maxie should be having to stare at our fine looking negotiating committee everyday as opposed to having power lunches... He said he wanted to negotiate, could that be ..a lie?

Anonymous said...

keep the faith, march on the win.

Anonymous said...


You may as well clear off that (sic) proposal, Maxie/Dallas Letter, and the silly Calculator-Retirement bar chats et al!

Show some backbone and install a blog, so you can recieve 800 or so nix/nyet/no coments to your latest insult! It will also give a platform for the few scabs that crossed our picket, to say their piece, and interact. I DARE YOU!

Anonymous said...

Brother and Sisters of Local 735,
This is not going to be an easy negotiation. It could have been if Voughts negotiation team would have negotiated in good faith, but they choose a different path. An in doing so they showed what they truly think about the IAM workers that man the Nashville site. It is clear that Vought Aircraft looks upon the union workers as nothing more than a natural resource, to be exploited for their own finical gains. You only have to look at the way Vought treats our Union brother and sisters.
Instead of negotiating with our negotiating committee, they choose to us threats, intimidation, and the use of misinformation to brake the union. Example as these tactics can be found in their uses of replacement worker, lying to scabs about a Texas letter that will protect them from the union, and the treat of permanent replacement workers. _
Now it is time for Local 735 to stand together to show management that we are not natural resources, but we are a skilled work force. We control the production and the quality of the product, which makes them profit and allows them to compete on the world stage for work. It is time for Local 735 to show Vought Aircraft that we are not wage slaves, to be threatened or intimidated.
Now Brother and Sisters, We most come together behind our negotiation committee. We must make it clear to management that we will make no concessions on the core issues that affect our lively hood or our work environment.
Our union is only as strong as the people that make up its membership. Local 735 is one of the strongest IAM unions. So as we unite and stand strong, we will prevail in this strike.

Anonymous said...

I have read all of the comments and publishings from both sides about the 401k issue not even being negotiable. It is Elmer Doty's standpoint that he wants to make everything within the company equal. I would probably even buy into that statement if he would put forth the effort to make it TRULY equal for the employees as well as the company.

Dallas has far higher hourly wages than we do. The most popular explanation to that is "It costs more to live in Dallas". I could even buy that argument to an extent. However, even government jobs pay what they pay and you learn to survive on it. A Post Office employee makes the same wage if he lives in California or Alabama. That is the equality in the pay grades. The same holds true for military personnel. So I guess that makes the cost of living argument null and void. NASHVILLE is your profitable location- not Dallas. We bring in the money and they get the higher wages?? How is that equal??

The raises proposed by Vought are well below the industry standard of 5%. Based on an employee who has topped out with a rounded hourly pay of $21 per hour industry standard would be $1.05. While that would still put us well below the Dallas wages, we could make it a whole lot easier on that and the 401k might be a little easier to swallow. This would give us the money we need to put back and invest in our own futures.

Healthcare costs are rising across the country- not just within Vought. But the whole "Live Well Vought" program is a joke. Somebody needs to seriously look at making adjustments on that and perhaps we could help keep the costs down. The so-called "Work-Out Room" is available to employees. Why not make it open to the spouses as well? Make it where it is accessible and issue "spouse I.D. cards" Let the spouses have access to exercise and they become healthier therefore reducing the amount of illnesses. Vought wants everybody to quit smoking. Chantix is over $100 just for the starter pack and is not covered by the insurance. I have heard that Vought will actually pay for it if the employee brings in the prescription and lets Vought fill it (I do not know if this is fact or not). But what about the spouses who smoke? Smoking leads to increased upper respiratory infections that require trips to the doctor!

Maxie- In your letter dated 11/13 you "reiterated" your "willingness to negotiate in good faith". Had you negotiated in good faith from the start we would not be here. So contact the mediator. Let's do this. Good Faith means you drop your bully scare tactics at the door and step up to the table like a man! You mentioned the "costs associated with a strike and the economic impact" We are not responsible for those costs. The longer you take attempting to break us- the more costs you will incur and it will be the company's own fault.

We have each other out here. We will take care of each other and get through this. Who will take care of you Vought? You already had one bank you dealt with go bankrupt and more are crumbling every day.

Anonymous said...

As long as Vought can get a rise out of us they are going to keep on going at us! Just Ignore them!
Its pretty obvious theyre playing on our emotions. Next they are going to threaten us directly mabe.
Bottom line is they dont like crawling to us like bottom feeders that they are! Stand Strong!

Anonymous said...

Takin out the trash!

Out with the old and in with the new! It is becoming increasingly clear that this is how Vought has been all along this is there true colors showing! But We're a new breed and were not going to let you bully us arround! You will be fair or no deal at all!
It's not hard to see the corruption in the company starting with Maxie and going up! It's new day and it's time to take out hte trash! It stinks!

Anonymous said...

I just finished reading the companies’ new fact checker which explained how great the Pension plan is for all of us with less than 16 years. The company chose to explain the pension with a pretty chart with bright colors so we Hillbillys could understand it. I’m glad they did this because I was ready to stay out forever to keep my Defined Benefit Pension! So now with my new and improved pension, all I have to do is contribute 6% of my earnings to receive a generous contribution of 4% by the company which all goes into my very own SIP. WOW! And you guys don’t think we are family. OH but wait….. They also give us 45 dollars a week that we can also put into our SIP. I thought we would be better off with the IAM Pension Fund, but the Company must not think so because if they did than they could use that 45 to keep us in a Defined Benefit Pension at a rate comparable to those with more than 16 years. I guess it’s much more important for us to be just like Dallas even though they didn’t have the option of the IAM Pension Plan which would have keep all of their employees in a Define Benefit Pension Plan. Why do we think we deserve the right to retire with dignity in your golden years?

My Future retirement date is not going to be decided by what the stock market is doing when I decide to retire no matter what kind of colored charts you put out Vought.
I changed my mind. I will stay out as long as it takes.

Anonymous said...

We are not Dallas so we don't need to be offered their contract. The company has told us that so many guys are not Dallas. Although if you match our wages with theirs we would probably buy the contract. Everyone knows the Nashville workers have better skills because why would you bring back all that work you sent down to Dallas to build. I think that we saved voughts butt on that one. The Nashville union workers take pride in our work and should be rewarded for it. What vought has offered us is a slap in the face. They know it to, they are just doing what little they think they have to. Kinda like fishing with the cheapest bait, cheap bait catches just so so small fish, but really good bait catches trophy size fish.

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone will win the lottery and buy the company. That way we will get treated fairly and clean house in management.

Anonymous said...

just like the incumbent defeated retard from texas,this proposal seem,s like a way to handle cattle farm transient worker,s,including the "benefit" of getting unlimited manure. it,s seem,s like people from/in texas are determined to make America a third world country...remember the Alamo? now it,s the united state,s worker,s who are defending the Fort,against insatiable corporate greed.a few comment,s back was,nt so far fetched, HEIL DOTY/THARP

flapwing said...





flapwing 2nd shift GIV t/e

Anonymous said...

Well, there's one thing that the New explanation from Vought cleared up!They DO READ this blog. I couldn't have been happier to read it because they finally showed some real numbers.After 3 yrs. using their chart take the total plus their percentage of interest that will be added on ,get the total ,then deduct what YOU PAID IN and look what they have done for you in 3 yrs.Boy ,what a chunk of change to live on ! P.S Don't for get you don't have any Retirement Insurance !Thank You Vought for clearing this up !!!

Anonymous said...

Did fact checker #7 forget to look at the close of the stock market today? It closed under 8000, a five year low. Fact checker are 401Ks makeing or loseing money?

Anonymous said...


One more thing for fact checker #7 to check!
Local investors fret over 401(k) losses Saturday, October 11 (updated 3:00 am)
By Donald W. Patterson
Staff Writer
GREENSBORO — George Rettie didn’t take the bad news well.

“It was kind of devastating,” Rettie, a woodworker at a local building supply company, said Friday. “(But) I didn’t break down and cry or anything. I’m thinking, we need to put a plug in this leak.”

Rettie, 59 and single, had just read his most recent 401(k) statement. He suddenly feared that his nest egg would turn into a goose egg.

For the first nine months of the year, Rettie had lost nearly $40,000. Of that, $23,000 had disappeared in the last quarter.

“Ouch,” Rettie said.

Across the Triad this week, thousands of workers shared his pain. They’ve torn into their quarterly 401(k) statements, only to discover that they might have to work longer and spend less — if and when they do retire.

Many, like Rettie, wanted to take drastic action.

“There’s panic (out there),” said Michael LoNano, vice president of LoNano Financial Advisors. “People are worried about losing everything.”

LoNano’s company educates and advises the employees of about 20 Triad companies on the investment options for their 401(k)s, tax-deferred plans that are the most widely used retirement vehicles.

Over the past 15 months, according to congressional leaders, the stock market’s plunge has wiped out about $2 trillion in retirement savings.

That’s kept LoNano busy of late. Calls from worried plan participants have picked up about 100 percent over the past two months.

When Rettie called, he had to make an appointment for LoNano to call him back.

Rettie knew what he wanted to do; he just wanted some advice first.

“It’s time to put my 401(k) in a money market and freeze what assets I have left,” Rettie said. “It makes your face go white to see your potential retirement whittled away.”

When the two talked Friday, LoNano urged patience and fortitude.

“Those are in short supply,” LoNano said. “You don’t want to self-destruct by doing the wrong things at the wrong time.”

Across the Triad, other financial experts have offered similar advice.

They urge 401(k) participants to maximize contributions to their plans and make sure their allocations are appropriate to their age and tolerance levels.

And don’t sell at the bottom.

“If you haven’t sold yet, it is definitely too late to sell now,” said Don Jud, professor emeritus at UNCG’s Bryan School of Business and Economics. “I think it is always a mistake to reallocate within a crisis.”

And what about those scary 401(k) statements?

“Just put it away and forget about it,” said Jud, whose own portfolio has lost about 22 percent this year.

After talking with LoNano, Rettie agrees. He’s going to sit tight and wait for the recovery.

“I am pretty satisfied,” said Rettie, even after he learned Friday that his account had lost another $29,000 in the first 10 days of October as the stock market experienced a slow-motion crash. “It’s not worth anything other than the paper it is printed on until it is cashed in.”

Besides, Rettie says he likes his job and plans to work until he’s 70. So why worry? On Friday night, he decided to hook up with some friends and go dancing.

Contact Donald W. Patterson at 373-7027 or

Anonymous said...

One other problem with the new fact checker:

Those amounts are based on a start date of 10/1/08.....ummmm hey geniuses in management do you realize it is almost DECEMBER??? Are you planning on backdating your contributions??? I THINK NOT!!

Try posting accurately- we still will not believe you but at least you will look semi-educated

justcompetent said...

I just wanted to wish IAM 735 the best of luck. Please hold out and get the best contract that you can. We, the workers at other Vought plants, not protected by unions, have no say in what gets taken away. We hear," be lucky you have a job ". Dig your collective heels in, and don't take NO, for an answer.