Monday, November 10, 2008

click on picture to enlarge


Anonymous said...

It seems to me that if the company is going to insist on keeping their demands, they are going to have to sweeten the pot if you know what I mean. To me seniority is a key factor. Without seniority there isn't much need for a union. If we give up our pension and pay more for medical cost then we should be " well taken care of " in the end. Alot of other companies like vought are doing the same thing but they are rewarding their workers which don't even have a union with a big raise and better health plan with incentives. Instead of vought helping us out they are just doing what they think they have to do. Its like the old saying goes... you get what you pay for.

Anonymous said...

Whoever prayed for gas prices to come down needs to pray for this contract...

Anonymous said...

I think we got em right where we want em. We need to ask for the moon and see what we can get, hell thats what they did. They have already spent more senseless money during this strike that would have covered all our needs. If we don't get what we deserve do you think we are going to bust our buts in there. Ha .. Ha...Ha. Either give us what we want or get some more mexicans to clean the floors.

Anonymous said...

To all the scabs, if we don't go back in there, there is no contract, never will be a contract, which means you will be stuck making what you make for a very, very long time. They will do with you what they want to. They tell you to work, guess what, you gotta work no matter what day it is. They would probably come up with their own contract which would not be as good as you have it now. Who do you think got you where you are today scabs....the union. So you better get used to where you are now cause your going to be there for a very long time. Your only hope is if our union can get a fair contract. I have worked in places like that, waiting for a long time til you get a raise or more vacation time. Thats what will happen if this fight is lost.

Anonymous said...

Well they put there BS in their SEC report. Seems some type of investigation should be in order.

“We have implemented our contingency plan which includes shifting personnel from other Vought sites to Nashville, adding experienced outside contractors, assigning Nashville salaried employees to production and moving some of the smaller sub-assembly work from Nashville to other Vought sites. As a result we have met the majority of our customer delivery commitments since the strike began”


“Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made”
Date: November 10, 2008
Elmer Doty
President and Chief Executive Officer

Anonymous said...

Dallas-based Vought posted earnings of $15.6 million, Stand strong Local 735 they are a greedy bunch.

Anonymous said...

Mike , If they aren't going to look at the pension per the Vought spokesperson then walk away!They are playing with fire this time!I personally believe they are only going through the motions so they will be looked at as trying to negotiate fairly by the media !If they want to keep us out thru the holidays then just say it and the strike will go on. They've got their scabs and let them roll with it.If they think we don't know what's going on in there their crazy ! A/bus, Lockheed, Gulfsream and Cessna aren't going to put up with them very long even though they have strike clauses in their contracts !We may not want to but good machinists can get a good job but may have to move but without a good retirement, why are we messing with them anyway !

Anonymous said...

I'm ready and I need to go back to work. But I'm still willing to stay out one day longer than Vought and thier team of GROSS MISMANAGEMENT. Let's not forget that the senority language and the 40 hour rule still need some adjustments.

Anonymous said...

the negoiation comm. better get a good nights sleep tonight............and get ready to " RUMBLE "

Anonymous said...

anybody seen Mr. fact checker lately?

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to tell everyone thanks for such a great turn out at the union meeting tonight. I agree with the people that spoke of the pride they have felt at how our union family has pulled together during this strike. Vought counted on us showing the same greed that they have and crossing the line. We are stronger today than we were yesterday and we will continue to be one day stronger than the company.

Anonymous said...

remenber people togeather we stand divided we BEG

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well Lets hope you all do the RIGHT thing!

Anonymous said...

ONE DAY LONGER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!