Friday, November 14, 2008

Strike Update

click on flyer for large size


Anonymous said...

vought please, mr. tharp if what you say is true prove it, your not protecting none of the union members at all,show me the video ,you`ve got time to video when the scabs are coming off the buses,but not at a meeting with union commitee,we`ve showed vought and dallas what we could do, but when this is over ,were goin to show you what we cant do, make sure them scabs get your schedule very much a head your goin to need it,dont watse your time trying to make the union look like liars, you and elmer are the liars 80%, is that what you told him to please him,because he cant possibly know himself ,because he was never at the plant enough anyway,if he was mr. tharp you and you team of rats wouldve being gone ,if doty open his eyes and not that forged paper work you report to him to see,union members wouldnt have to listen to the nonsense and excuse, thats all youve been good for since youve arrived, excuses and nonsense every meeting you,ve ever had with us,howdy doody please

Anonymous said...

There is no honor amongst thieves and they're showing their true colors. Everyone near and far needs to show up early Monday morning and let them see a bigger showing of our commitment to this strike and our belief in, NO TAKEAWAYS!

Anonymous said...

From now on Im only going to believe it when I see it!
There is not going to be any negotiation's until Vought drops the act and gets serious!
As long as they keep bringing the same crap to the table we will not negotiate!
It's been a roller coaster ride But as long as we stay strong on this we have a better chance of winning a good contract. Lets not allow all our sacrifices to be for nought!

I love you my brothers and sisters and may The Father look over us!

Anonymous said...

Folks Elmer Doty has sold his grand father and us out he is truly Carlyle,s Golden boy and Maxie is his puppet willingly. He said stick with me and you will be rewarded for your hard work,The employee,s asked for a bonus program; mangememt did not,but they got one anyway they stole our bonus. But No Fault Of Your

tradesman said...

What ever it takes!

Anonymous said...

I have talked to our negotiation committee. I have maned the picket line. I went to the union meetings.
From a union stand point our cause is not only just but it is righteous.

We have been intimidated and threatened. It is known that some of our brothers and sisters are going through hard times. There is no reason for this if the company would not come to the table and negotate in good faith,(PLEASE LEAVE YOUR ARMED GAURDS AT HOME). That we could not reach a settlement that benefits both parties .

We hope that the company realizes that if we keep our union members past the holidays they will inflict some wounds on our union members, that will take a long time if ever to heal. So, Vought Aircraft remember as you told us "that your destiny is in your own hands." Now we tell you "your destiny is in your own hands."

For the good of both parties, please come to the table with out the "dog and pony show" and negotate in good faith. Then we can put this strike behind us and move forward to make Vought Aircraft here in Nashville a leading supplier of aircraft components.

Optimist said...

I couldn’t help but laugh out loud the first day I saw those militant looking rent-a-cops out there in the parking lot at Vought. LOL! And what about Abbot and Costello standing out there at the east gate looking a penguin and a Neanderthal! Now you tell me Vought brought armed guards in to the meeting room! This is so hilarious! Maybe our committee should circle the meeting room on tricycles; it would make about as much sense as bringing armed guards! LOL!

Get real Vought; stop playing games. You know that you are going to have to come through eventually. Just get it over. You know, the longer you put this off, the more animosity there will be among the work force. Find some way to save face now and cut your losses. You have awakened the sleeping dragon; the Union is stronger now then ever and you are damaging your potential for healthy reconciliation.

Hey, you win some; you loose some. Just fire Maxie and put your people back to work before Christmas. It will all be forgotten by Easter if you move fast. If not, it will probably be this time next year before you can show a profit again. Maxie thought this Local would buy anything. He was wrong. Now all you have to do is use your better judgment and replace him with someone who can build a relationship with the work force. Maxie is incompetent and now he’s damaged goods.

He’s just a softball player; that’s all. Is that what you really want managing your workforce down here? Believe me, we would love to blame this whole debacle on him and Randal Davis. Did I say turncoat Randal Davis? Oh excuse me, I meant Turncoat Randal Davis. Those are your 2 local advisors. They don’t care for us and we don’t care for them. There would be no love loss whatsoever. In fact, we would probably have a celebration party in honor of their dismissal.

Anonymous said...

" Together we must learn how to compose differences, not with arms, but with intellect and decent purpose. "
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Anonymous said...

Vought Union Busters? uh? NOT!

Trying to take our jobs to Texas, made the Union stronger.
DBA,made the Union stronger.
Now we are on the picket line stronger than we have ever been.
Hey Vought haven't you learned yet?
You are union builders!