Monday, November 3, 2008

Support Letter from IG Metall

Click for large size. IG Metall is one of the largest labor unions in the world. We certainly appreciate their international solidarity for our strike.


Anonymous said...

Another great monday morning. Thanks to all who came out and showed those scabs that we are not leaving the lines anytime soon. They sure do pose good for some mighty fine pictures, a face only a mother could love.

Anonymous said...

Great letter from IG Metall. I hope the company has noticed the new Boing contract. How close to the 83 dollars on retirement can Vought get ? What about a 10% raise and a 6500.00 bonus. Come on Vought show your appreciation for all of our hard work. Put your money where your mouth is !!!

Anonymous said...

don't forget to vote this Tuesday !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Since Boeing fought for reinstatemnt of seniority lost due to layoff maybe we should fight for the same plus fight for our medical leave reinstated--It is ashamed that we are being punished for having a sickness and losing time on our retirement . Our retirement and our seniority should continue the same.!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I don,t think so....

Anonymous said...

A post said that they thought that the retirement and senority should be the same. I too have said that should have been for years so maby we should think about that regardless of what "I don't think so' says in their post.

Anonymous said...

Just another indicator that this next trip to the table will be some more of the same stupid takeaways.

So looks like next month to me, or longer, before this strike ends. Vought would love to see 3 or 4 hundred people quit their jobs. Then they could hire some people with less brains that would buy into the next lame contract.

If we really wanted to hurt Vought, we wouldn't have worked so hard to achieve what we, the hourly workers did and keep the Nashville site open!

So maybe 3 or 4 dozen of the overpaid salary people need to quit, as they were the one's that hurt Nashville with such a lame contract.

If you wanted to pocket our Gaining Ground money and takeaway more, then why don't you find better paying jobs and let us have what we deserve!

Anonymous said...

the retirement and seniority should be the same it is not our fault the company laid us off 95% of the people would gain retirement benefits