Thursday, November 20, 2008

Write to your elected official!

Help support a fair contract for workers at Vought Industries Nashville, TN who have been on strike since September 27, 2008. Send a message to your Senators and Congresspersons to ask them to stop Vought's unfair tactics against their workers and demand that Vought bargain an equitable agreement.

Here's the link. A letter is pre-written for you if you wish, or you can add to or change the letter as needed. You can tell them your story and how this has affected your family. At the bottom of the page, there is also a "tell-a-friend" button, where you can let your friends and family also ask for the support. Let's shower them with emails!

Let your elected officials know that they need to support the working families of Tennessee.


Anonymous said...

Good idea on the write your elected official thang. I think I'm gonna start calling Dan " Boss Hog " and Maxie " Roscoe ". What do yal think? Hell we don't want the whole pie, just a piece will do.

Anonymous said...

Well, I've sent mine !It's time for all the games from Vought to end !!!Lets come together!!

Anonymous said...

Have you scheduled to start negotiating yet? Harras his ars day in and day out until he gets to the table and then really crank the screws.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we need to write to Erin Brockovich. She likes to take down big misguiding companies.

Anonymous said...

We need to put up a ticker showing how much money we have saved by not using gas to drive to work everyday.

Anonymous said...

Dang Vought must be way behind because on their web page they are telling you how much money you will make on the 401K they posted "Assuming $20/hour rate as of 10/1/08 ($20.75 as of 1/1/09; $21.25 as of 1/1/2010 and $21.75 as of 1/1/2011)*, and average overtime of 12 hours/week, the SIP could look like this:" Wow 12 hours average overtime per week for every employee for three years. Got to love it!

Anonymous said...

Great idea. Thanks for setting this up. I'm impressed by the way you all have handled these negoations. We just pissed them off when we didnt move to texas and it made them look stupid. And it too bad but they are going to look stupid again. I wish they would change thier approach to us. So us and them can get back to making a profit.
Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if adding to the letter about air quality would help. Was just sitting here thinking and I remembered being told that they had repeatedly tested the air quality in the plant; that we were within safe standards within 8 hrs. That the levels didn't become dangerous until after 8 hrs.. So if they get away with mandatory overtime and force us to work 10 and 12 hr days, wouldn't that put us in danger. Wouldn't that over expose us. Wonder if adding that to a letter would help.

Anonymous said...

I'm no mathemetician but i believe that a guaranteed pension benefit is better than a crapshoot 401K Benefit. Like the ole saying goes---"A bird in hand is worth two in the Bush"

Anonymous said...

You can't believe anything Vought says. They had everyone believing the entire plant was going to move to Texas. Even that was a lie! Just ignore their website. They speak with a forked tongue.

Optimist said...

I sent mine in and added this:

I live in Cannon County and I shop in Woodbury and Murfreesboro. I was spending about $800.00 a week while I was working. Since I've been on strike I an only spending about $200.00 a week. That mostly goes to utilities and insurance. $600.00 more could be going in to our local economy every week if I were working at Vought. And many of the workers at Vought live outside Davidson County, like me. I have been bringing money from Vought in this community for 10 years. Surely you can put a word in for me and go to bat for not only the workers at Vought but for the communities that they help support.

Vought is really hard-balling us and plans to keep us out over the holidays. It just goes to show how ruthless they can be.

Optimist said...

I'm on my way out the door to buy a few things in town. I'm going to stop in to see the County Executive and the mayor, while I'm out.

Anonymous said...

Just ignore them (vought that is)!!
I voted too.
From here on out lets have a total boycott of voughtS web site since it only contains lies and they probably have some kind of clicker counter to see how many have hit(visited) there site!
Ignore vought untill they are ready to be fair! We are not Gonna talk to them until they do! Got it vough? We'll probably have to walk out on them severall more times untill they get the picture!
Which brings up another thing They vought has planned this for a long time...Time for us to bring em down!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Word is the union lawyer tried to talk to the company and they refused and basically told him to get lost, they really dont want to talk they just want the appearence,
they are liers and everyone knows it, dont know who they think they are fooling, My Grandad used to say
"A MAN WHO WILL LIE TO YOU WILL STEAL FROM YOU", I have found that to be true in my time, If they keep these people out until after the first of the year this will be something that these people will never forget, Loyality to the company will go out the window forever, It won't do them any good to come to the people and tell them that they need their help, It won't happen ever again it will be hour work for hour pay with absolutely no extra effert given all the times we flew in and pulled them out of the fire because of their bad manegment won't happen, so they had better think of the schedules for next year, poor moral = poor productivity, they need to think about it. good moral = high productivity, but really who cares.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys this is going to be funny
when we go back,so many have already have gotten other jobs,packing up and moving, they wont work for someone they can't trust, If they had trouble finding structure people before they sure will now, It was not long ago that
the supervisors was asking if we knew anyone to talk to them and get them to come in Just wait ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Dan Tharp why don't you stop messing with the school yard bullies Whitney, Garrett and Martin, they are soon to fall down and go boom!
Come talk business with the ones that make you the real money.
The scabs gotta go, send them home for the Holidays!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We wish everyone a safe and happy thanksgiving! we
don't need a turkey because there are 500 of them
taking our jobs. like the old saying goes (what
goes around , comes around.) I will be contacting
my public officials on a regular bases. We should
rename vought , HAZARD COUNTY because boss hog