Family is what this day is about, and it's what our strike is about. You can bet that, when all is said and done, all that Mr. Carlyle gets in his sack is a rock!
Machinists Union Local Lodge 735 blog, Nashville, TN. Nearly 1000 members strong at Vought Aircraft Industries Inc. in Nashville TN.
DON’T BE MISLED BY VOUGHT. On September 29th, Vought said on its website that it had a way for IAM members to cross our picket line without being subject to union discipline. It said that members could change to being “financial core” members, which would release them from any responsibility to the union except payment of fees. The company’s explanation was legally WRONG, and the IAM immediately put up an Alert to make sure that our members were not taken in.
On October 20th, Vought put up even more misinformation, including a letter for our members to use in supposedly changing to financial core membership. DON’T BE FOOLED. “Financial core” membership is a phrase that courts use to describe NON-members in states, unlike Tennessee, where unions are permitted to spread the cost of representation to all bargaining unit employees, whether they are union members or not. IT DOES NOT APPLY IN
The IAM establishes the IAM’s membership rules, not Vought. We do not have two tiers of responsibility. Either Vought does not understand the law, or they are trying to trick you. Don’t let them do it.