Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween, everyone!

...and as the sun goes down, keep those trick-or-treaters safe!

Family is what this day is about, and it's what our strike is about. You can bet that, when all is said and done, all that Mr. Carlyle gets in his sack is a rock!

BIG thanks for support!

Thanks go to Cecil E. Martin a retired member of Teamsters Local 480 came by the union hall with 10 lbs of barbeque, buns and sauce.

From Aeronautics Metalworkers CGT

This is a letter of support from the Union in France for Airbus. They know of our strike and are in full support. Solidarity is a strong thing, it can cross oceans.
Click on pic for large size

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The latest from Vought...

Today, the company posted a letter that had been sent to Business Representative Chuck Killebrew last week. It was disregarded by the Union, as the offer was effectively taken off the table BY THE UNION MEMBERSHIP ON SEPT. 27TH WHEN THEY VOTED TO REJECT THE COMPANY’S LBFO.

They are welcome to take it off the table, because this membership is in no way ready to accept it.

In order for Vought to end this strike and return to producing product, our members are demanding OUR PENSIONS. We are demanding a contract WITH NO TAKEAWAYS. We are demanding, above all, a fair and equitable contract, which the LBFO was not!

When you get a chance, head down to Briley Parkway, and see “Mr. Carlyle” with his top hat and stogie, his pocket filled with money from trying to steal their employee’s retirement!
"Mr. Carlyle"

BIG thanks for support!

We were visited yesterday by Brenda Clanton of Waynesboro, who is the former President of LL 2325. She was laid off from her job two years ago, and has lost her seniority. She's obviously never forgotten her union roots, however. She dropped off four cases of water, and personally donated $200 for our hardship fund.

Thanks, Brenda, from the bottom of our hearts.

Also, District Lodge 711 has donated $500 to the hardship fund, and several of our members have donated their strike checks to help out.

Folks, that's what solidarity is all about. Thanks to EVERYONE!

International Support!

We are not alone! Our work for Airbus puts us in solidarity with unions in Europe, and International President Tom Buffenbarger has received several letters of support from our brothers and sisters in Europe. Thanks to Owen Herrnstadt, the IAM International Affairs Director, for his work in keeping in contact with the other unions.

Click on the pic for larger size, or click here for the Dansk Metal letter as a .pdf.

Click on the pic for larger size, or click here for the IF Metall letter as a .pdf.

Click on the pic for larger size, or click here for the Nordic IN letter as a .pdf.

Click on the pic for larger size, or click here for the Unite The Union letter as a .pdf.

A new sight on Briley Parkway!

When International President Buffenbarger visited us, he mentioned that the IAM had a corporate pig at headquarters, and he graciously sent it to us to let everyone driving by know that we are fighting corporate greed, to keep a pension for our retirement. Thanks to our International President for the pig, and be sure to honk your support as you drive by!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

IAM / Boeing Tentative Agreement

The IAM has a tentative agreement in Seattle, Portland and Wichita with Boeing. They've improved job security, improved pension, raises and bonuses, as well as frozen health care costs at 2005 levels. They will be voting on the proposal this weekend. Go here for more info on the contract.

Bottom line - this is a big improvement over the contract they rejected, and they were able to protect their job security.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008

IAM Local 735 Picket Line

A video by one of our members.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Boeing burns through cash

Well, since Boeing is a publicly-held company, they can't lie about how much the strike hurts them, via Bloomburg News:

Boeing Co., the second-largest commercial-plane maker and defense contractor, burned through $3 billion in cash last quarter as a strike by machinists halted aircraft production, hurting revenue.

The walkout shaved about 35 cents a share off third-quarter earnings, Chief Financial Officer James Bell said on a conference call today. That works out to about 1.4 cents a share for each day from the start of the strike on Sept. 6 until the end of the quarter. The strike is now in its 47th day.

We know that Vought is also losing money hand over fist. The only way they make money is if we're building assemblies.

District 751 President Tom Wroblewski issued the following statement in response to Boeing's 3rd Quarter Earnings Report:

"Obviously, this Company continues to have record backlogs, success, and sizeable profits - demonstrating Boeing has the ability to better share this success with Machinists Union members who generate the profits.

It would be a better business decision and a better investment to have made a fair contract offer with Machinists Union members. Partnering with the Union for the future is the best way to ensure success and to embrace the ideas our members can bring forward. There was no reason the Company needed to come at this Union with takeaways. These bad decisions contributed to this strike. Customers want their planes, shareholders want their value, and our members want to get back to building the best airplanes in the world.

We hope Boeing comes to the bargaining table tomorrow to resolve this strike, rather than simply giving the CEO a convenient answer to what this Company is doing to resolve the strike. McNerney should have to justify the lost revenue and answer why they continue to keep their employees on the picket line.

The Machinists were not involved in the decision to outsource the 787, which took airplane production out of Boeing's control. Although the strike might be a convenient excuse for production delays, these delays started 15 months ago because of global suppliers. The best way to get the 787 and Boeing back on track is to put the correct people to work, and that is the Machinists' Union members. Every time Boeing has problems, it is our Machinists Union members and SPEEA members who lead the way to success.

Our strike is about Boeing trying to bring outside non-union vendors they can't control into our workplace to replace our members. Many of their own managers have admitted this is not working, but Boeing continues on this path. The 787 is being delayed because of Boeing's flawed globally outsourced production system and has nothing to do with this strike.

There was no reason for the outsourcing, health care takeaways and other negative components to Boeing's best and final contract offer. In fact, this strike was unnecessary. With substantial profits and backlogs, our members expected Boeing to be fair and share the profits so they could grow with the success of the Company. Again, we hope that this new round of talks that begin tomorrow will be the answer to resolving this strike."

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Update: Boeing returning to bargaining table

From the IAM District 751 website:

After 45 days on the line, your solidarity brought Boeing back to the bargaining table. Since talks adjourned last Monday, we have kept the lines of communication open and have agreed to pursue additional talks through the federal mediator. At the direction of the federal mediator, new talks will be held in Washington DC beginning Thursday, October 23rd.

We hope this marks a major step forward to resolve this strike. The Union will continue to do everything possible to bargain a contract that addresses the concerns our members have identified.

It is important as we move forward that we continue to stay strong on the picket lines. That's how we're going to secure a contract that will settle this strike.

In Solidarity
Your Union Leadership

Monday, October 20, 2008

Thank you!

Big thanks to brother David Mottern and Local 480 of the teamsters union for bringing water and supplies to our picker lines, and also to Jerry Lee and Eddie Bryant of the Tennessee AFLCIO for bring 7 cases of water to our picket lines!

It was very appreciated, and won't be forgotten!


DON’T BE MISLED BY VOUGHT. On September 29th, Vought said on its website that it had a way for IAM members to cross our picket line without being subject to union discipline. It said that members could change to being “financial core” members, which would release them from any responsibility to the union except payment of fees. The company’s explanation was legally WRONG, and the IAM immediately put up an Alert to make sure that our members were not taken in.

On October 20th, Vought put up even more misinformation, including a letter for our members to use in supposedly changing to financial core membership. DON’T BE FOOLED. “Financial core” membership is a phrase that courts use to describe NON-members in states, unlike Tennessee, where unions are permitted to spread the cost of representation to all bargaining unit employees, whether they are union members or not. IT DOES NOT APPLY IN TENNESSEE.

The IAM establishes the IAM’s membership rules, not Vought. We do not have two tiers of responsibility. Either Vought does not understand the law, or they are trying to trick you. Don’t let them do it.

Strike Update, Monday Oct 20

Click for large size

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Video from Seattle Strike

We aren't alone, there's a lot of other Machinists out there. We are all fighting the good fight for our families.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Short video of IP Buffenbarger's visit to the picket line

International President visits picket lines!

Our very busy International President Tom Buffenbarger made a quick visit today to Nashville and our picket lines early this afternoon. We'll have video up this evening.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Boeing Strike Update

Here's the latest news on the Boeing Strike in Seattle. The IAM Strikers are holding strong and are determined.

Strike Update - October 13, 2008

Statement by IAM District 751 President Tom Wroblewski

The Federal Mediators adjourned talks today between the Machinists Union and the Boeing Company without reaching an agreement. The Union had hoped Boeing would come to the table looking to resolve this strike, which is in its fifth week; however, this was not the case.

The Company is attempting to put the Union in an unacceptable position to bargain away our members' jobs. The Union currently has 2000 members involved in material delivery, inventory, distribution of parts, materials, equipment, etc. Throughout these talks and in earlier statements made by the Company, it has become apparent that the long-term strategy of The Boeing Company is to eliminate these IAM positions and replace the Union workers with outside suppliers. The words "flexibility" and "competitiveness" for Boeing appear to mean eliminating IAM jobs. It is a systematic attack on the employees who have generated unprecedented success for Boeing. If Boeing succeeds in their plan, it is our members' concern this will expand to other jobs in the factory.

The IAM is interested in bargaining a contract for the future, which provides success for Boeing and for our workforce -- but Boeing has a different agenda. We expect to be a part of the future of the Boeing Company and remain committed to achieving a resolution that protects our members and their families.

The fact is our members have bent over backwards for this Company to make them profitable. We have participated in every lean program, new initiative, fixed vendor mistakes and offered alternative ideas - all to make them successful. It is our members who consistently step up and get the job done for Boeing. We will continue to do that, but not at the price of our jobs. The Union will continue to look for ways to resolve this strike so that our members can return to building airplanes and making Boeing record profits, but it cannot be at the price of selling out thousands of our members' jobs.

Keep in mind other top issues are still not resolved, i.e. medical, wages, and pensions.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Strike Update - Mike Worrell Letter

Click for large size

Local Lodge Meeting Reminder

Our monthly Local Lodge meeting is tomorrow, Tuesday, Oct. 14, 4:15 P.M. at the Union Hall. Directions

IAM 735 LIVE on the Bill Press Show!

This morning, Aerospace Coordinator Ron Eldridge was a guest on the Bill Press Show, a nationally-syndicated radio show that's heard on many radio stations across America, as well as Sirius Satellite Radio.

Ron was on to speak about our strike against Vought, and talked about our pension issues, and how it tied in with the current market meltdown.

Here's an mp3 of the seven minute segment. Our story is important, and it resonates in the news because of the stories of so many retirees that relied on their 401(k) to retire, and now they find they have to go back to work, or will never be able to retire because of the market meltdown. We are fighting for our future, and for a retirement that is safe and secure.

Bill said he wants to keep abreast of the situation down here, and we will certainly keep in touch with him as the strike continues.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Strike Benefit Checks

Strike Benefit Checks will be at the union hall Monday morning, the 20th, at 10:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Come in through the back door and have your photo ID ready. After you have been identified and have sign for it you will receive your check and then exit through the side door so we can keep an orderly flow.

Because of strict federal regulation, checks must be picked up in person at the union hall. If you don’t pick your check up during this time, it will be sent back to the Grand Lodge and returned the following week along with your next check. Your checks will begin to accumulate, week after week until you pick them up.

We know that this is not convenient for many who live out of town. One suggestion is to carpool with others in your area and another suggestion is to trade places with someone who walks the picket line on Mondays.

If you live close to Nashville, please consider changing places with someone who lives far away. Here are two lists where you can sign up.

Click here if you need to walk on Mondays
Click here if you can change from Mondays

Retirement Wreck

New article in the Washington Post:

For many Americans, 401(k) plans were supposed to be their own little golden parachutes into retirement.

Now, it seems, those parachutes may not open in time.

The global financial crisis that revealed the flaws of Wall Street has also exposed the vulnerability of America's retirement system. Employers have increasingly abandoned traditional pensions, forcing workers to rely on 401(k)s and similar plans that have a lot more exposure to the stock market. The assumption was that even if the market suffered short-term losses, over time it would rise, allowing workers to recoup their savings. But the steepness of this year's market collapse and the still-uncertain depth of the economic downturn has prompted lawmakers, academics and economists to question the wisdom of letting workers hitch their retirement fortunes to the precariousness of the stock market.

Read the entire article. It's unbelievable that Vought is STILL trying to say that it's a good thing they want to freeze the pension for everyone with 16 years or less and give us a 401(k) in it's place!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Click for large size

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Strike Update 10/09

Click for large size.

401(k)s meting down.

From yesterday's USA Today:

The financial meltdown has demolished Americans' retirement savings, wiping out $2 trillion — or about 20% of value — in the past 15 months, Congress' top budget analyst said Tuesday.

This estimate probably comes as no surprise to millions of Americans who have reviewed their 401(k) statements in recent weeks.

"This is a financial panic right now, and one reason it feels so bad is that everything is going down," says Kurt Brouwer, a financial planner in San Francisco.

The sharp drop in savings has led Americans to postpone contributing and, in some cases, delay retirement, Peter Orszag, head of the Congressional Budget Office, told the House Education and Labor Committee.

A new study by the AARP found that one in five workers 45 and older have stopped putting money into a 401(k), IRA or other retirement savings account during the past year.

Vought wants you to put your retirement security into the Vought Casino, and hope you have enough when it's time to retire.

Here's the AARP story, Retirement Dreams Falter as Economy Slumps. It links to the study.

This is our future we're fighting for. Let's make sure we can retire when it's time, instead of continuing to work until we drop.

Breaking - Boeing Returning to Bargaining Table

From the IAM DL 751 website:

After 33 days on the line, your solidarity brought Boeing back to the bargaining table. Tonight, District 751 President Tom Wroblewski announced that throughout the strike Union leaders have talked regularly with the mediator and had several conversations with Boeing.

Today, Tom Wroblewski and Mark Blondin met with Scott Carson and lead negotiators for Boeing to further outline your issues. At that meeting, it was agreed to return to the bargaining table. We are working out the details of the return to the table with the federal mediator.

We hope this meeting marks a major step forward. The Union will continue to do everything possible to bargain a contract that addresses the concerns our members have identified.

Boeing returned to the bargaining table because you stayed united on the picket lines. It is important as we move forward that we continue to stay strong on the picket lines. That's how we're going to secure a contract that will settle this strike.

This shows the simple fact, companies won't keep losing money when there's airplanes to be built. We'll keep you up to date as those negotiations continue.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

The Rat is here!

When a company forces it's workers out on strike with a contract full of takeaways, after calling them "family", then buses in scab labor to do their work, it's clear they've sunk pretty low.

So, the IAM has brought in the rat, and it now sits at the Briley Parkway gate to let the citizens of Nashville know what a rat this company is being to the very employees who create the wealth of Vought Aircraft. And, they scabs in the bus can see every time they are bussed in and out what THEY are, too.

Strike Checks Monday Oct 20


Strike Checks will be available Monday, Oct. 20, and every Monday thereafter. They can be picked up at the Union Hall from 10:00 AM - 5 PM.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Titans Solidarity!

In the comments today, walktheline said:

I thought it was cool today. Iwas walking on satuerday from 12 - 4 and was joking with the guy iI was walking with that since the Titans were in the players union that they need to stop by the line. Well not 5 minutes later Kevin Mawai, the center for the Titans came pulling up and said that we are all union brothers and sisters and needed to stick together. The Titans were loading on to a plane to go to the Baltimore game. Several of the players drove by and either honked and waved or gave us a thumbs up in a show of support.


Now THAT is great! Something that everyone might not know is that in the seventies and eighties, our then-International President William W. Winpisinger helped nuture and support the then-fledging (and broke) NFLPA, the players union. The Union was headquartered out of the IAM HQ in D. C. for many of those years, and it was Machinists support that got them through tough times.

And Mawae is currently PRESIDENT of the NFLPA!

Did anyone get any photos???

Well, if the Titans will root for us, we will CERTAINLY root for them!


From the Comments!

This one deserves to be promoted to the front page:

Anonymous said:

Hey Vought!!!!!!!

We shot that contract down, got it?

Fact checkers or not, it's over. Time to make a brand new contract and give up on that garbage you presented already. No one wants that big pile of crap you called a contract. We voted and gave you your answer already on that last contract. Do you not understand that? It is already spoken for, a done deal, and it's time to put your money where your mouths are. I do have a suggestion on where to plant those lips too!

October 4, 2008 2:37 PM

EXACTLY RIGHT! Fantastic post, Anon!

Weekend Update

You'll be seeing a new face on the picket lines. Aerospace Coordinator Ron Eldridge and GLR T.L. Smith will be working the Vought Assignment in South Carolina and Nashville, while Communications Representative Bob Wood will be staying here. General Vice President Bob Martinez is making sure there is plenty of Grand Lodge support for the strike, so he's assigned Special Representative Mark Love to assist in the strike.

Brother Love (yep, that's what we call him) is brand new to the Southern Territory staff, just assigned as of Oct. 1. This is his first assignment!

However, Mark is a highly experienced Aerospace Representative. Mark was a LL 834 Organizer in Wichita, KS from 1991 to 1997, then Business Representative at District 70 from 1997 to the present.

Mark was Strike Coordinator for the 1995 Boeing Strike and several other strikes in District 70, including the recent strike at Hawker Beechcraft. Mark is one of the experts in the IAM when it comes to running a successful strike. His knowledge and guidance will be very helpful during the strike.

As with all our Representatives from the Grand Lodge, Mark is here to help and to assist your very capable Negotiating and Strike Committee. Be sure to say hi when you see him on the picket line or at the Union hall!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Scab

After God had finished the rattlesnake, the toad, and the vampire, he had some awful substance left with which he made a scab.

A scab is a two-legged animal with a corkscrew soul, a water brain, a combination backbone of jelly and glue.

Where others have hearts, he carries a tumor of rotten principles.

When a scab comes down the street, men turn their backs and angels weep in heaven, and the devil shuts the gates of hell to keep him out.

No man (or woman) has a right to scab so long as there is a pool of water to drown his carcass in, or a rope long enough to hang his body with.

Judas was a gentleman compared with a scab. For betraying his master, he had character enough to hang himself. A scab has not.

Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage.

Judas sold his Savior for thirty pieces of silver.

Benedict Arnold sold his country for a promise of a commission in the British army.

The scab sells his birthright, country, his wife, his children and his fellowmen for an unfulfilled promise from his employer.

Esau was a traitor to himself; Judas was a traitor to his God; Benedict Arnold was a traitor to his country.

A scab is a traitor to his God, his country, his family and his class.

Jack London (1876-1916)


Strike Update 10/01



The company's latest update "Fact-checker #2: Retiree Health Care Costs" is currently under legal review, and will be responded to appropriately.

Blog Comments will be Moderated

Your comments on this blog will be going through a moderation step, and will have to be okayed by the administrator before it appears on the post. We believe in freedom of speech, and we've not deleted any comments before now, even when they are negative, or even those from management.However, speculation about names of those who have crossed the line is inappropriate, and can't be allowed. What if someone said YOU were crossing, when you weren't? Such comments cannot be allowed, and have been deleted.

There have been a few posts that show up "deleted by author." Once posted, you can't edit a comment, and some have deleted their own comment and started over. Posts we deleted say "This post has been removed by a blog administrator."

Thanks for the comments, it keeps the blog lively and interesting, and we want you to keep them coming. We hope you understand the need to make this change. We will be sure to check often to have your comments posted in a timely manner.


Yesterday's imail led with a story and photo of our strike. The imail is the twice-weekly news email from the International. Click here to subscribe.