Ron was on to speak about our strike against Vought, and talked about our pension issues, and how it tied in with the current market meltdown.
Here's an mp3 of the seven minute segment. Our story is important, and it resonates in the news because of the stories of so many retirees that relied on their 401(k) to retire, and now they find they have to go back to work, or will never be able to retire because of the market meltdown. We are fighting for our future, and for a retirement that is safe and secure.
Bill said he wants to keep abreast of the situation down here, and we will certainly keep in touch with him as the strike continues.
Be careful what you say and do while walking the line. You should have no expectation of privacy with this high dollar security force in place. Part of their service could very well be high end surveillance with hidden cameras, listening devices and cell phone intercepts. Visible cameras are for intimidation. Save private calls until after you leave the area.
Goals achieved with little effort are seldom worthwhile or long lasting JOHN WOODEN
thanks to all the line walkers this morning , that really shows our union and the dirty rats that we are standing strong. it was even on channel 17 news , way to go !!!!!!!!!!!!
if you can help with the fund raiser on the 29th contact the union hall or the number on the flyer. we need homemade chili for the cookoff any baked goods please help and support your brothers and sisters in need.
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