So, the IAM has brought in the rat, and it now sits at the Briley Parkway gate to let the citizens of Nashville know what a rat this company is being to the very employees who create the wealth of Vought Aircraft. And, they scabs in the bus can see every time they are bussed in and out what THEY are, too.
Considering today's market performance maybe Dallas could rethink their timing on selling the forced 401k idea. It could be a nice addition in a bull market but not a replacment of our pension for now obvious reasons.
This Rat has a brother that is kept in a secret room in Dallas. That's where he oversees production of golden parachutes. This is where concerns over cost quality and schedule have moved to. They are no longer concerns in Nashville. Nashville must be kept at a subpar pay rate to budget proper parachute quality...
I hope this comment gets posted, I posted an update 24 hrs ago updating our Union Brothers and Sisters about picketing in front of the old zares parking lot on Murfreesboro Rd. when the SCABS are coming in and out on the buses to Vought.
Stay strong, Peace to all.
As I sit here at home checking the company web site, what do I see?? Another "fact checker" extolling the virtues of the great and wonderous BAFO. I know this has been said before, but that offer (such as it was) was rejected. So please dispence with the "bovine scatology" and quit wasting yours and everyone elses time by fact checking a dead issue. Pick up the phone and call the negotiating commitee and sit your collective butts down at a table of scattered and splattered hashbrowns and coffee and hammer out a deal we can all live with. And quit treating your so called "family" like the red-headed step child (no pun intended).
Thanx for letting me vent, see yall on the line
These posts are funny but comon whats going on?Are there any talking yet, any kind of info?What?
So far I dont see any progress at all!And I dont see any proof of a cool down period either.Comon! Give a dog a bone before he returns to his own vomit.
Okay! Fact Checker 4 ,now that we got that straightened out about the insurance.Lets move on to the GREAT PLAN for the 401K and the 40 HR.RULE.Now how many points did the DOW loose TODAY ?????The news said you would have to be 50 or under to ever recover for your retirement!Do you understand why this is an issue that isn't going away!!!!! That's why we do not want our pension frozen !
To compare the scabs to the rat is being so unfair to the RAT. The scabs don't care for all the people that has stood up thru the years for better working conditions and fair wages. They want all those things but want someone else to suffer for them. To get something off the hardships of others is being lower than a rat.
First Comment has a very good point.I Hope all the Union Brothers and Sisters take the time to really think about it. 401K's--Nice Option, But as for a Pension, they are a Real Gamble!!
As for the folks that want to cross the line and go back to work, I ask, Why did you join the Union? Its not gonna be a cakewalk. Give Our comittee members an opportunity to do their job collectively bargaining for a Fare Contract that will benifit us all. Remain Strong and United. Our strength is in our numbers.
Dear Mr. Vought,
After seeing your latest fact checker, allow me to clarify.
Three years from now, when we sign another contract, you will institute an amendment to the spousal rule, stating that no spouse will be covered under the new contract. Three years after that you will stop covering children, because the younger employees will have children by then.
Married people working at Vought should not be forced, yes forced, to pick up two insurance policies if they want to cover their working spouse. Working married couples within Vought will not be forced to do this nor will married couples who spouses do not work.
Family coverage is just that, FAMILY. The children you feed and the person you marry. By pushing this "rule", you are telling us that we are your family but our spouses are not ours. You are punishing married people who require 2 full time incomes. This is not helping us, its helping YOU.
If we want our husbands/wives on our FAMILY coverage, we should be able to cover them. Now some companies already have this policy, which truly forces those people to carry two policies. Others will be able to drop the coverage you offer and carry only their spouses. Yet some won't be able to do that.
You are punishing those married with two full time incomes and no matter how you sugar coat it or fact check it, that fact still remains.
Like you said, we at Vought are one big happy family.......so long as our spouses are not considered family.
We have fallen right into their hands. Did we stop to think for a minute, maybe they wanted us to strike? They know most strikes end up going back to work for less than what they were asking for and how long are our picket checks gonna last 4 weeks. Look at Peterbuilt!
When is the Negotiating Committee meeting with the company again??????
I saw those durty rotten scabs in the parking lot today. I hate those lower than life scum who r taking are jobs. We need to keep standing with are union brothers and sisters till we get what we need. NO TAKEAWAYS!
Scab Hater
union brothers and sister we showed maxie how we felt about the contract when we deciced to strike, but we hav,nt showed him shit since, im hurtin like everyone else no disrespect at all but crossing because a love one is this or that ,what insurance do you have, where on strike, maxie looking out the front window or when he looks at the security cameras and see 10 people he,s laughing his ass off , i understand my mebers living in the back woods ,but those in nashville please show up when the buses roll out show the company more than 10 or 12 people really care about their job,and all this anonymus dam that, anybody that knows me i dont sugar coat nothing, it is what it is,1 day in the front of the company atleast, show the other brothers and sister you care,if its just a job than keep your ass at home ,but if it like a family getten together come on come all,thanx isaac james a.k.a pimpin 24/7
Stand Strong Brothers and Sisters. Dont give in. They need us. This is different than 89. If they could move this work it would already be gone. We have the skills and knowledge to make them money. All we want is to be treated fairly and with decent wages and benefits. We Will Prevail
The company didnt give the member's any other choice but to strike This wasnt a surprise that the company would bring in scabs to do the workers jobs but at least they didnt make the women in the office go out and work in the factory which in the past they did
There hasnt been one word about the lady that was hit by the bus coming out of the gates last Wednesday ? How come? We would like to know her condition and how badly hurt she was and if she is in the hospital where can we send her cards to let her know we are thinking and praying for her
My father works for Vought and he is not working as a scab. He wants this strike over as much as I do so he start getting back money.
On Voughts Nashville Web Site, 2008 Contract negotiations page, NOW has a Count up Clock/Calculotor of cost to striking Union Members! It SHOULD ALSO SHOW THE COST OF SCRAP AND SCAB WAGES!!! GET A LIFE MAXIE/DALLAS!!!
Man, that rat is almost as frightening as that contract vought offered us...........
the latest on the company site says we the union workers have lost 4 million $ and counting since we struck. Damn I didnt know we made that much money
If you start letting them take away it will never end first retirement and next pay cuts. Most people that work here have been trained for their jobs I went to school for a year. If not for the retirement I would have left years ago because the pay has not kept up over the years. With gas prices high a job closer to home would have been better. So NO Take aways....
I think that we have played into their hands and that they did want us to strike. Why else would they just throw the BAFO down on the table and never come back to talk about it? We're two weeks in and do we have any talks going on? Our only hope is solidarity and prayer...
As for the 401K and pension I think a nice compromise would be to keep the pension for all current employees who choose it, offer the 401K to those who prefer it, and if you are hired after Jan 1.09 then you take the 401k, no options if that is what the company prefers. I know some of you will disagree, but FBN is warning that AIG may try to use their pension fund to pay off company debts. In this market NOTHING is safe. Don't fool yourselves. Pray. God bless and stand strong.
hey google iam751 that is boeings union website and you can see thier contract and see what they turned down. Our best and final offer wasnt a fraction of what boeing employees are getting. And I love how vought has put up a clock on thier website showing how much money union employees have lost, but they are not saying how much the company has lost, ha,HOW MUCH WAS THAT WING WORTH THAT GOT SCRAPED IN G4, lol, my suggestion is that vought needs to look at boeings contract and take a look at what they where offering thier employees since "VOUGHT WANTS TO BE COMPETITIVE". Stand strong brothers and sisters
come on now brothers & sisters, you new from the beginning that we would have to be out 2 weeks before we got a check, so isn"t it just like all other checks , at the end of the third week before you get paid. let"s not start bickering among ourselves, we are just now getting started on this strike.stand strong together.!!!!!!!!!!!
well the company is putting out their future lies again, they posted on their web site how much money we have lost since we have been on strike as of october 7 2008 at 10:35 pm not am thats funny i believe its only october 7 2008 1:53 pm as of now, so bebe when your up in your office reading our web site and posting lies because that all you know how to do be sure and fact check yourself because you can,t predect the future. By The Way Love The Rat it speaks for itself
I heard that a certain Presidential Canidate might be stopping by the picket lines today or tomorrow. I'd bet they can smell that rat all the way from Belmont!!!
Hunker down folks it looks like this is going to be a while.
There was a gentlemen hit last night on the picket line by a truck driver entering Vought.
The 4-8 shift. The police came out ambulance and I think a fire truck. The police took a report but would not release the video surveillance of the incident until it had been reviewed by their lawyers.
Could you please add Spell Checker
to this blog site since some of my brothers and sisters cannot spell.
what is the deal with the calculator? how silly that vought paid someone to come up with that idea and then paid them to put it on the website? it doesnt surprise me at all they had a ME on the flap program as it is going out the door? how much are these contractors costing the company?? sounds like good vought management to me!
wow! we are loosing a lot of dough, hey maybe they will give us the raise we deserve with the money we are loosing...
Where is our union reps? Why aren't we getting any info about negotiations?
What is the deel with people getting hit? Are the brothers and sisters walking in front of the trucks or are the trucks turning into them on purpose trying to take out are brothers and sisters? Pleese be careful!!
Scab Hater
Where is the list that names all the scabs that have crossed our picket lines? I would like to know who they are,and i'm sure my brothers,and sisters would like to know as well!!!
Standing Strong,and Proud
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