Saturday, October 4, 2008

Titans Solidarity!

In the comments today, walktheline said:

I thought it was cool today. Iwas walking on satuerday from 12 - 4 and was joking with the guy iI was walking with that since the Titans were in the players union that they need to stop by the line. Well not 5 minutes later Kevin Mawai, the center for the Titans came pulling up and said that we are all union brothers and sisters and needed to stick together. The Titans were loading on to a plane to go to the Baltimore game. Several of the players drove by and either honked and waved or gave us a thumbs up in a show of support.


Now THAT is great! Something that everyone might not know is that in the seventies and eighties, our then-International President William W. Winpisinger helped nuture and support the then-fledging (and broke) NFLPA, the players union. The Union was headquartered out of the IAM HQ in D. C. for many of those years, and it was Machinists support that got them through tough times.

And Mawae is currently PRESIDENT of the NFLPA!

Did anyone get any photos???

Well, if the Titans will root for us, we will CERTAINLY root for them!



striker1 said...

That's awesome!
Man!I just checked out vought's website and it seems theyre in denial.
As far as I can see the only professionals here are the ones walking the line!

crimson69 said...

Well since it is now known where the scabs are parking and loading the buses, please let us all know so we can join in on the fun.

Anonymous said...

Mr.Vought:The employees that were hired in after 89 do not have any retirement ins. Most of us were hired in at lower wages and it has taken us several years to top out.Now you are wanting to freeze our retirement and put us in a 401 if you have less than 16 yrs.Alot of us are older and want to retire in 3 to 4 yrs. and there is NO chance of creating any money in the 401k or RCA.On the other hand the younger employees that are still not topped out are having it hard to make ends meet without having to contribute to their own retirement.Retirement should be a sure thing,not a gamble based on the market.Why do you continue to divide everyone after 89 and make us suffer and still protect pre89? THIS ISN"T A TAKE AWAY ? DO WE WORK FOR THE SAME COMPANY?How many years does it take to get vested in this company to get the same benefits as older employees?WOULD THIS NOT BE DISCRIMINATION ?

ladydi said...

A big thank you to Kevin Mawae for stopping by the picket line to boost our morale even farther! And thank you to all the other Titans that drove by cheering everyone on! Also, a big thank you to 'Walktheline' for sharing that story! Go Titans and Go IAM735!!!

Anonymous said...

It is very interesting to me that you begged us to vote yes the first time to agree to strike! if we needed to and then you told us to slow down and we DID! and then again you told us to not work the overtime and we did that too. all this for what?(to prove a point) which was???? You said that would get us a better contract. So now we just sit on our thumbs and check the blogs everyday. I have yet to see ANYTHING from the committee AT ALL!!!!(other than a bunch of bull about how awesome we are to stand together and how we are hurting them and destroying their production and yada yada yada!! I understand the COOL down Period. Don't you think we should be conducting ourselves more like adults instead of children. As long as they know they have you pissed off and fired up We are likely to end up in the Loosing column for sure. Most Battles are won by the more prepared Army. This is not supposed to be about who pisses who off the most its about our futures and our families futures. We could not have picked a worse time to go out. Part time jobs are scarce and I doubt there are very many people in the union that can live on less than half of their income. People you need to wake up check around on some insurance costs. check on 40 hour work rule. Damn that can only make us better employees that desire the overtime. WE GET PAID TO DO A JOB. Most companies in the real world work that way...CHECK it OUT. Yes IAM Longwinded.....Out4now

bigb said...

Would the local please post a list of the scabs that are crossing the line and keep it updated on the home page so we can see it every time we log in?

Anonymous said...

Let me get this right ! A scab is someone who doesnt agree with the union and has a family to support!Some comments on here talk about hanging a scab! Sounds an awful lot the the KKK! Grow up people and get a reality check! I doubt the Titans would be behind comments like that considering they are mostly african american!

Anonymous said...

no, anon, that's NOT the way it works. A scab is someone who is a strikebreaker, who will cut the throat of their fellow workers and their families.

Everyone on strike have families to support, too. They know it's important to win this strike, for their future. Only slaves HAVE to cross the line. On this line, we are free Americans. We decided this course of action in a democratic fashion, and we WILL NOT be bullied by Maxie and his boys.

Jack London's "The Scab" explained the morals of a scab. And since strikebreakers broke the NFLPA during a strike, I doubt many NFLPA members will have much sympathy for strikebreakers here, either.

Anonymous said...

now let us get this right only 72% voted down the contract, 28% did not. The only reason the strike vote was so high was that 1)the three grand was now off the table and 2) there was no reason to vote not to strike because less than 2/3would have ratified it by default and we would still lose the three grand. The ones that voted for the contract are still standing with the ones that didn't, however, it was never 100%. I know the job market sucks and from what i can tell vought can hold out alot longer that we can. Do the math they were going to spend $3 million in bonuses to ratify, the contractors alone are only costing $200,000 a month for the ones they have now, security isn't going to be a huge cost and neither are the bus drivers.

Anonymous said...

You need to check YOUR math, anon. If they have 200 people, which they say they do, that's $3,040,000 a month, as they make $45 hr, $60 for OT, 50 hrs min., and $800 per diem per week. If they bring in 500, that's $7,600,000. PLUS security and buses and bus drives - BIG bucks. Strikebreakers don't come cheap. MILLIONS every week.

ADD that to the fact that we know they aren't building airplanes - they are just jacking around in there. They are losing BIG MONEY day after day.

Anonymous said...

i apoligize that was suppose to be 2 million not 200,000, i could not delete and redo to do the monitoring but bottom line is they are willing to pay that amount without a problem while we are making nothing and it could last 3 months but all rumors out there. Also the last time this company went on strike they lost, got less than what was originally offered, the ecomony is worse now than then, and they can hold out longer than we can. Oh by the way to all they have done is replace are paychecks with theirs,and it was that easy, bottom line they don't give a damn nor will they ever. They have the money to pay it and we are the ones losing out on just our base salaries. They were prepared for this, do you really think they could have hired 200 people in a day? No, they had them already lined up. They knew we, since the majority rules, were going to strike, ya'll were yelling for it before the first offer was on the table, so bottom line we are the ones that will never recover fianicially no matter what they offer.

Anonymous said...

People we need to wake up, in the economy today companies are closing the doors.There's not a company out there anymore that we can depend on for retirement. The day of counting on retirement went out the window when companies started moving over seas. The 40 hour work rule, never in my life have I heard of a company allowing you to count overtime if you didn't work your regular hours. So many abused this using the Family Act, wouldn't show up for work during the week then come in on the weekends. Thats wrong, people like you are the reasons companies go broke. I'm sick of setting on the side line waiting for your blogs to see whats happening. Where is the voice for the people. Our Union is suppose to be our voice. So people leave the profanity and childish behavior, set examples for our children on how to properly stand up for their rights. They are our future. Time to leave your trashy comments and foul words to your pillow. I want my daughter to learn something from this but so far this is worse than children on a playground without supervision. Aren't we all adults please start acting like it and get us back to work, we all are professionals isn't it time to go to the table as a professional and come to an agreement? For those of you making threats at your fellow workers for doing what they have to for their situations shame on you. Isn't this a free country we live in. It shouldn't take months to settle a contract. How many of you wait months to settle a contract when you buy a house or car that you plan to keep forever. Get real people drop the grudge and sit down be the voice for the people.

Anonymous said...

ok anon. The contract workers had been working in Wichita while Boeing is on strike also. They were being paid 20-25 an hour. Vought offerd the 45 & 65, they bolted to here, it is my understanding that Boeing is in the process of of offering 50 & 80, guess what they have proven that their loyalty is to the $$$$$$ they will bolt from here. You need to be more positive I know it is tough but life is tough, hang in there

Anonymous said...

Whats going on at the table? I've heard there's no such thing as cool down time. Where's the voice for the people. We have already lost $3,000 up front, now for each week we're off we loose more. I've also heard this is pay back for seven years ago. I've heard that when people went back they went back for less, is this true? What are you accomplishing if you go back for less? Where's our voice let us know what is happening we're sitting in the dark.

Anonymous said...

I supported this strike. I supported my husband when he said "This is how I am voting and why"

I think the majority of the frustration being posted is based on the lack of communication. I know the scabs read these postings as does the management.It would not be wise to post too much information on the blog. Don't want them to know all of the cards in our hands. But if the union would tell us something it sure could help with all of the stress.

Maybe a notice in with the strike checks? Update us on all of the behind the scenes info we can not talk about here. Since the comments on here are moderated that would block any "leaks"

Anonymous said...

Do you think Vought cared about you or your family when they were closing the Nashville plant and moving the work to Texas. It is all about the bottom dollar so don't think for one minute that once you let them take away your retirement that will be the end of it. When I went to work there many many years ago we were top wages in our area thats not so anymore retirement is what most of us has held on for. I could have took a job closer to home for a few more dollars on the hour after top out but I stayed because of retirement. Once they take it away from the people with less than 16 years then next contract they will be after the rest of us. No Take AWAYS!!!!!!! Vought better be afraid of us finding better jobs closer to home because I spend ninty dollars a week to drive there and now they want to take away from us... NO WAY

Anonymous said...

Whats going on? We are out here in the dark wondering? Why aren't our reps letting us know something???

Anonymous said...

Vought Aircraft Industries Inc. says its second quarter profit grew 204 percent on an increase in operating income and the sale of its interest in fuselage sub-assembly facility, Global Aeronautica LLC.

Dallas-based Vought, which is owned by The Carlyle Group, is an independent manufacturer of aircraft structures and parts.

The company posted second quarter earnings of $79.3 million, up from $26.1 million during the same quarter last year.

The company’s commercial, military and business jet sectors also reported significant revenue gains in the second quarter, which caused the company’s total second quarter revenue to jump 12 percent from $427.6 million in the second quarter of last year to $480.7 million in the most recent quarter.

Executives with the company say Vought’s second quarter earnings are in line with expectations.

Found this interesting!

Anonymous said...

most company yeah in the real world work that way but not the aircraft world its always been after 8 is time in half thats why we make the money we do