Monday, October 13, 2008

Strike Update - Mike Worrell Letter

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Anonymous said...

we need to be having these rally everyday from here on out in the morning and the when the scabs leave they wont be laughing when its time to go and they ass stuck in there !!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

just wanted to say what an outstanding job everyone did this morning on the picket line. that includes the spouses and the little jasons and jacobs. i believe it goes without saying what kind of impression we had on the company. even the most disfunctional family comes together at a time of crisis. UNITED WE STAND my sisters and brothers.
as for the scabs, including the one that works in airbus that crossed this morning quit smiling, were not your family nor your friends anymore

Anonymous said...

"We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools".

Martin Luther King Jr.

Anonymous said...

I would ask our in-house scabs how they drove to work today. They must have went down the interstate with eyes focused 10 feet in front of their hood. They are so short sighted. Grab a couple of paychecks and be a scab the rest of your life... that's really using your brains.

Anonymous said...

Employees looking to put their families first should consider the advantage of a 401k versus a pension plan. Consider this....
Pension plans are good for the employee who works long enough to draw on their pension fund, but what happens to the family of an employee who dies before they are eligible to draw pension?? The family is left with NOTHING!!! No money is paid from pension to the surviving spouse or family. Even if an employee qualifies to draw on their pension, they must take a reduced benefit amount to ensure that their spouse would recieve any benefit at all.
With a 401k your family has the benefit of access to the money you contributed, PLUS the money from the company match, PLUS any interest earned from your account. Also with the 401k you can build up the amount of money YOU think you need to retire, not just an amount that someone else thinks you need or deserve.
Ever hear the expression "A Bird In the Hand......?
On one hand, if you die before drawing on your pension, your spouse and children get NOTHING.
On the other hand, with a 401k you leave your investment to your family to be able to use as needed. These are things that everyone who has a spouse and/or children should responsibly consider.

Anonymous said...

we are family,the hourly employees,that is,most of the younger people,our moms or dads,aunts or uncles ,grandparents worked at this plant,tharp and corparate dallas want to profit from what our familys have built,me personally i would just soon never go back,for less!and as for the cowardly,spineless,scumsucking,low-life managers that have called union members at home,to come to work,you deserve the way upper management treats you!

localmember735 said...

Thanks to the Metro Officers for traffic control this morning. It really helped to see inside the scab buses. Tuesday the 14th, we should have an early union meeting at 6, just like this morning. Hope to see you all there as we stand united !

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow will be another day to get our heads, hearts and bodies together and stand united. Be ready to kick it up !

Anonymous said...

i'm proud to of all the brothers and sisters that showed up this was great to get fired back up!!!. we need to be fired up,hot,and ready. we know and THEY know that we are the backbone of vought. we do it BETTER,AND FASTER than anyone else can.

Web Steward said...

To the anon who tried to sing the praises of the 401(k) - you HAVE to be upper management! People who are already retired have lost everything they've saved for years and are now going back to work instead of enjoying their retirement.

A union is about leaving no one behind. It's not about gambling with your future. A 401(k) would be a nice supplement, but we won't give up our pension for it!

TS1 said...

I must agree with Web Steward in their response to the "401k praising anon".

As for the analogy anon used about "A bird in the hand...." it is hard to get that bird in the hand when the whole dang tree (Wall Street and the economy as a whole) is so shaky that the "bird" can't even grow and mature to GET to my hand!!

Anonymous said...

anonymous, ( must be management )
you must not watch the news, read the papers nor own any stocks or bonds because if you did you would know that people have lost there butts. the stock market crashed in 1929 and then there was the great depression what do you think is going on in 2008. wake up and smell the coffee. sure if a person dies before they retire their family doesn't receive their pension but that is only set up through the pension we have now, not all pension are set up that way. this is the vought way. they want to control even after your dead. a 401k is a supplement NOT a pension.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say to every one of my brothers and sisters that was at the picket line yesterday morning how proud I was to stand there with you all. To the young man that works on Airbus Stage 2 Second Shift that crossed our line , Remember the name Scab for the the next 30 to 40 years of your working career caused you earned it !!

Anonymous said...

Attention Vought Planning: You may want to voice to upper management that it will take awhile for us to clean up the mess and get the factory hitting on all 8 cylinders. Once we are back in there they will dust off their old master schedules and find that they may be important again. Let them know schedule will be slipping even after we are back because we will be busy discovering and fixing scab screw ups on Airbus structural components, Lockheed structural components and Gulfstream structural components.