Thursday, October 9, 2008

Breaking - Boeing Returning to Bargaining Table

From the IAM DL 751 website:

After 33 days on the line, your solidarity brought Boeing back to the bargaining table. Tonight, District 751 President Tom Wroblewski announced that throughout the strike Union leaders have talked regularly with the mediator and had several conversations with Boeing.

Today, Tom Wroblewski and Mark Blondin met with Scott Carson and lead negotiators for Boeing to further outline your issues. At that meeting, it was agreed to return to the bargaining table. We are working out the details of the return to the table with the federal mediator.

We hope this meeting marks a major step forward. The Union will continue to do everything possible to bargain a contract that addresses the concerns our members have identified.

Boeing returned to the bargaining table because you stayed united on the picket lines. It is important as we move forward that we continue to stay strong on the picket lines. That's how we're going to secure a contract that will settle this strike.

This shows the simple fact, companies won't keep losing money when there's airplanes to be built. We'll keep you up to date as those negotiations continue.


Anonymous said...

We people knew when we walked out what we were doing. That is why we prepare for this every 3 or 5 years. The only question I have for you folks is now that we are on the street are you with us or against us. If you are not with us tuck your tail and grab your ankles and go on back in to Dan and Maxie. Thats where I want you, that way I know where you stand. Now that said, I want to say this, Lets keep this blog for postive feedback and save our dirty landry for the union hall. Thats where it belongs. Do you think upper management is telling you eveything that is going on inside the plant and how much money the stockholders are losing each day? If you buy what they are selling I have a park to sell you. Stand the line and bid your time all this will work out. Now are you with me or against me, which ever I will speak to you when we go back in or I won't but, in the end I win because I will be at peace with myself. I am writing this under anonymous because there are more than 1 of me out here that feels this way so its up to you and your family as to how you wish to be treated. Ain't that right Daddy!
P,S. If you are smart these blogs can be downright fun. Ain't that right "The Replacements".

Anonymous said...

ATTN VOUGHT: Fact Checker...

Have you ever considered that if your facts were clear and presentable to begin with you would not need to waste your time with a Fact Checker!

Here is a Fact Checker for you. Put yours and the effort you are putting in them in a nice warm tight place.

If you are not talking NEGOTIATIONS than we don't really care what you have to say.

Anonymous said...

hahaha Anon......

Don't you just love "The Replacements". He posted on here once too- gee "gonads" has been awful quiet lately (They are one and the same I am almost certain). Guess he didn't like my 2 cents.

We can do this!! This should inspire all of us by showing this is OUR time. If we don't take it, nobody is sure going to just hand it to us.

Anonymous said...

Amen Brothers and Sisters

crimson69 said...

Hey anon, you have just confirmed what many of us already matter what was offered, you were going to strike. To say you have been or we have been preparing for this for 3 to 5 years is just wrong to say. Some of us have not been with the company more than a year much less 5. So I am glad that you were prepared for this while some of us were not. As for the blog, some of us live to far away and this is our only source of info and we can and we will say what we want. As for for you talking to people...who cares if you do or not, since you wrote it under anonymous you obviously don't want anyone to know who you are. As for where some of stand, that should be obvious as well, 28%of us voted for the contract, yet we are still walking with everyone else, like we said we would do, we don't have to agree with it but we are doing what the majority did and we do agree with that. There are more than 1 of me out there too, but we each have a voice and I don't talk for them, I talk for myself, they are fully capable to talk for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is right. We should keep the blog sight to convey things positive. Things are sometimes better said when we keep our mouths shut. Be smart, stay united, monitor what you say, and we will prevail. Remember, we are only asking for what is right and fair. The powers to be will realize just how much we are realy worth when the truth comes out about the shotty work done by the so-called replacment workers. Airbus, Gulfstream, and Locheed all are well aware to check closely any products produced or sent to them durring a strike. They all remember the last time. Everyone please belive me when I say keep your cool, stick togeather, and reep the rewards. Thanks

Anonymous said...

crimson 69
why do you hate so much? Don't hate on others because you weren't smart enought to prepare for the future. That is your fault. No one else's. The only thing the union wants is to help protect your future. We all are the union, not just the negotiating committee.
No, we did not expect we were going to have to go on strike, but you should always have money set aside for situations such as this. As you know, with this business, you can get laid off at any time.
I am not hating on you for not being prepared, but taking it out on us does not solve your problems. Besides, if you are in real need, contact the union hall. They have set up programs for people who are struggling.
I only hope you will understand I am not trying to be mean, but I think you are yelling at the wrong people. You should be yelling at Vought. They are the ones who think that you don't deserve a pension or seniority rights or to be paid what dallas makes. You might want to change how you look at things. Sometimes life is not just about the here and now. You must always be prepared for the future. We sacrifice now, so we don't have to in the future.

Anonymous said...


I think that I just about speak for everyone when I say that if you do not like what you are standing up for than you know that you have another choice!

Just like you I have not had 3-5yrs to prepare but I am an adult and instead of wasting my time crying on the blog I am doing what it takes to support and feed my family.

I understand your anger and to be honest I feel the same about a lot of issues at hand. BUT life isn't just about me! And I think about were I will be in 15 yrs from now will someone stand up with me and help me fight for I work had for or will the younger generation leave me hanging?

Crimson69 a lot of these people work have worked hard towards a retirement some with 11 12 years in only to find that theres will be capped at a certain rate. Honestly where will that 400.00 a month leave them in years to come? Were will we be with the 401k? Have you been paying attn to what is going on the world?

We ALL live for right now. We are all scared and we all pissed because we are out there. But we are all doing the right thing.

We are securing our future!

Either your with us or your not! You know where the line is...

Anonymous said...

I wish people would stop threating people to cross the line because than you'll be pissed if they do. Crimson69 I feel just like you I have just remained silent in read these blogs because you can not drill thru these steel skulls.

crimson69 said...

like i said i am entitled to say what i want and i truely don't care what you think. I am not hating on anyone, so I guess I am wrong for wanting to see in writing what the union is asking for? As for me not saving, you don't know me or the situation I was in to begin with so even act like it was my fault for not having a savings. There are things that happen to people in life that does not allow it. Oh by the way no I don't have a choice the choice was made for me when the strike vote was done, I will not cross the line no matter how I feel but I still don't have to like it. You don't seem to have anything to say about all the anonymous people saying the same thing I am. I can take critism, I was raised to have my own voice, and there is nothing you can say to me to shut me up. I will continue to say how I feel, whether you like it or not. Oh and g4gecko I am not hating on the ones that were prepared for a strike just understand the stress and fear of the ones that weren't or couldn't prepare.

crimson69 said...

annonymous by the way i am not crying on the blog I am speaking my mind like everyone else, I am sorry it doesn't agree with you.

Anonymous said...

Please !As respectfull as I can put it! If REAL union members have a problem with their officials , THEN call them directly and vent or ask questions . Please quit putting it on the Blog so the wrong people can get a kick out of it and laugh behind our backs!CALL THEM !PLEASE !Pray together and stand together !!!!!!!!!!!!! I really think alot of these comments are being put on the Blog by management.Just an other mind game !

Anonymous said...

Well put guys....I am glad I am not the only person that has thought of Crimson as a pessimist.

I know that times are not the best right NOW, but most people that is involved in the deal are not looking at NOW, they are looking at our future as a whole.

It is apparent, that Crimson did not prepair for his future, and its obvious that he still is not thinking about it.

Maybe if Mr. Crimson doesnt change his mind about this whole issue he might need to pursue another career.

We all know that aircraft work, union or none union is contantly up and down, due to the demand.
As stated by Mr. Gecko, there can be a layoff due to a reduction in force at any given time.

You would think a painter could find a job to support him till we go back in there, but who knows.

Thats just my two cents and I am sure some dont care to read it....FWIW

crimson69 said...

I am sorry for speaking how I feel, since it is not in agreement with you I must be wrong. This whole thing as been stressful and I know that it has for everyone and I shouldn't take it out on this blog and on ya'll and I truely am sorry for that. I was not trying to take out on anyone and it should have never came across that way, I just felt we were in the dark about alot of things, I guess it was just me. I will try to be more objective and understanding. I guess it would be easier to understand if it was known what was going on. This is a first for me. Anyway I am sorry for my comments and I will not say anything else. It is obivous that I am not allowed to feel the way I feel. Since you seem to know who I am you should also know what I am going through personally, and I know that it does not make it right and like I said I am sorry. However, I am not a pessimist, and don't appreciate being called one. Things couldn't get much worse than they are now unless what you are saying is right that after all this there will be a layoff to boot. I have my own problems like everyone else and this just don't make it any easier. I like my job and that makes it even harder. I could have hid under anonymous like many of you are doing because you don't want us to know who you are but I don't believe that is right. Anyway, I am sorry for pissing you off and I will be more objective from now on. I hope that is okay with you, I do have a habit of speaking how I feel without thinking it through but that is just who I am. Like everyone else, I just want to go back to work and take care of my family, they mean everything to me and it is just hard for them to understand. Again, sorry for taking out my feelings on this blog and I hope you accept what I am saying. I hope you truely understand.

crimson69 said...

just another thing to say maybe I have been saying this the wrong way but all I asking was to see how far the union's proposal and the company's final was different. I still do not feel I am asking for too much.

Anonymous said...


Always remember when you have hit bottom you have no where to go but up so just start reaching.

Trust me a lot of people feel like you do. When is someone going to a light switch on and let us know what is going on. Like you a lot of us want to know what the Union proposal was. There were those of us who voted for the contract!

I like you was not prepared and did not have the opportunity to because of personal medical reasons.

Honestly from talking to people a lot of people were not prepared but we are here now. So lets just stand strong and get this over with.

United We Stand Divided We Beg

Anonymous said...

Crimson 69, I know you are scared and under stress. I too had those same feelings my first time. But what we are doing here is protecting our jobs not only now but for the future. Listen to the older workers go to the union hall and talk to the leaders. Call one of them they will be happy to talk to you. I post under anon. sometimes not that I care if you know who I am its other people are on this blog that do not have our best intrest at heart. Please be patient and stand strong and everything will be ok.

Anonymous said...

It semms to me if the union was our family then where were they when Vought was gonna move to Dallas? As I remember right when we needed them they didnt want to help us brothers and sisters out by selling that multi million dollar union hall and reimbursing us at a time when we needed the money. The 401 is not a great investment but considering todays economy it would look that way. You think we would work harder at making it a more sucessful company to keep our ecomony stronger , and to keep this plant in Nashville. I f we put as much effort into this company as we have this strike it would be to our benefit. I like most ppl live paycheck to paycheck. How long will the strike benefits last? A month. Just some food for thought.

Anonymous said...

You mentioned selling the union hall and now we need it, because we're still here. Looks like money is the only thing you have on your mind and your principles are what's lacking.

We have worked hard and need to be rewarded for the fruits of our labor. You apparently will just settle for anything and not stand up for yourself. Is there a welcome mat across your forehead?

Holidays are approaching and it isn't about buying nice presents, it's about Christ our Savior being born into this world to take away our sins, not about marketing or how to get that new gizmo that everyone else is getting.

I know this isn't a platform for preaching on religion, but I just need to speak as I should, when it comes to giving God his rightful mention. I'm a sinner in my own right, but I won't deny Him when I read something like that.

Anonymous said...

How stupid the comment about money was!!!!!!! Makes me lol isnt that what this whole strike is about MONEY!