Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Scab

After God had finished the rattlesnake, the toad, and the vampire, he had some awful substance left with which he made a scab.

A scab is a two-legged animal with a corkscrew soul, a water brain, a combination backbone of jelly and glue.

Where others have hearts, he carries a tumor of rotten principles.

When a scab comes down the street, men turn their backs and angels weep in heaven, and the devil shuts the gates of hell to keep him out.

No man (or woman) has a right to scab so long as there is a pool of water to drown his carcass in, or a rope long enough to hang his body with.

Judas was a gentleman compared with a scab. For betraying his master, he had character enough to hang himself. A scab has not.

Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage.

Judas sold his Savior for thirty pieces of silver.

Benedict Arnold sold his country for a promise of a commission in the British army.

The scab sells his birthright, country, his wife, his children and his fellowmen for an unfulfilled promise from his employer.

Esau was a traitor to himself; Judas was a traitor to his God; Benedict Arnold was a traitor to his country.

A scab is a traitor to his God, his country, his family and his class.

Jack London (1876-1916)



Anonymous said...

Hello everyone han in there

R_Larkin said...

If one must quote Mr. London please give the "artist" his complete full due and give the full poem.
The following poem by Jack London was written in 1915.

Ode To A Scab

After God had finished the rattlesnake, the toad, and the vampire, He had some awful substance left with which He made a scab. A scab is a two-legged animal with a corkscrew soul, a waterlogged brain, and a combination backbone made of jelly and glue. Where others have hearts, he carries a tumor of rotten principles.

When a scab comes down the street, men turn their backs and angels weep in heaven, and the devil shuts the gates of hell to keep him out. No man has a right to scab as long as there is a pool of water deep enough to drown his body in, or a rope long enough to hang his carcass with. Judas Iscariot was a gentleman compared with a scab. For betraying his Master, he had character enough to hang himself. A scab hasn't.

Esau sold his birthright for a mess of pottage. Judas Iscariot sold his savior for thirty pieces of silver. Benedict Arnold sold his country for a promise of a commission in the British Army. The modern strikebreaker sells his birthright, his country, his wife, his children, and his fellow men for an unfulfilled promise from his employer, trust, or corporation.

striker1 said...

News flash for those out there.Just got word that someone got hit by a scab bus about 1600-1700hrs today.Is a female and not known her condition.
The bus driver was driving erratically according to police.Our men and women on the picket line surround that bus untill police came.
Call the union hall for more info.
Maam whoever you are you have our hearts and prayersand hope your allright.Stand Strong my brothers and sisters!

Anonymous said...

we will prevail if we stand strong

Anonymous said...

I think those scabs need some dba special high intensity training.
The supervisors surely need a refresher course from dba at a time like this. What about it Tharp, can you budget a small army of dba clip boards to join the party...?

Anonymous said...

There was someone anonymous yesterday asking why our negotiating committee has not done anything, well they have. As far as I have been told they sent Vought a letter on Monday,telling them they are ready for negotiating. Vought has not replied yet. So it is all on Vought.
I know this is hard on all of us, but we must stay strong. Sometimes we must sacrifice for the overall good. This will only make us stronger, as an individaul and as a union. We can not let them take something that will protect us in the future. If we let this happen now, what will they try to take in 3 years. This lets them know we are tired of being pushed around. Closing our plant, minimizing our bonus. I have only been here 3 years and I have seen the morale change drastically. When I got here, the plant was still closing. They ended up keeping it open but Dallas still wanted the C130 and G4. When they could not keep up with the work, they decided we could keep it. Let me remind you they had experienced people helping them and they couldn't do it. Anyways, then they said we would get bonuses. First year we didn't get one at all and the next there was some kind of computer glitch. Everybody knows it was someone in management who cooked the books and we had to suffer for it. This summer they asked for extra overtime, because we were so far behind and we did it. Now it is there time to give back to us what is rightfully ours. Don't let them take your future.

Anonymous said...

If all the people at Vought were half intelligent as they claim to be, they would look around them and see this country is in a recession. I must think Vought has paid them pretty well for them to take time off and stand on the picket line and lose money everyday! There are thousands of people who would give their left arm for a good job.Maybe when they are in the unemployment line or have to go back to jobs that pay minimum wage and have no benefits they will think again! Happy job hunting!

striker1 said...

Stand strong were really making a difference!

Anonymous said...

Any new news out there in strike land?

Anonymous said...

Fact Checker! Did you know County employees have no benefits at all! Think about it!

Anonymous said...

is it true that Mike Worrells' Son
is one of the people working inside the plant???

Unknown said...

Anonymous,October 3, might want to get a job with the County or some other sweat shop. Anonymous diffelantly does not know why WE are union members.

Anonymous drop by the union hall an learn about union benifitts before you run you month.

Anonymous said...

Dear Greg,
Do tell ! Does the Union Hall teach you how to spell too!

Anonymous said...

I think the post by Anonymous Oct,2 shows that company people are on this childish can you get

Anonymous said...

The true meaning of Scab in essence is to heal, be it to protect the skin or a company from lazy workers!