Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Strike Update 10/01


Anonymous said...

Why don't you stop whining back and forth to each other like little bitches and try to get a contract we can agree on and get back to work to support our families.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to see someone is thinking like me, this fight is not to get back at Maxey....I just want to be able to take care of myself at a time when out country is at its worse!

Anonymous said...

i agree.... when are you going back to the table? You don't want people to cross, but how long do you expect people to hold out... I personally didn't get a job, to strike, to get another job. Not everyone had their minds made up before the first purposal was out, like many of you had, and we don't have any money saved up.

Anonymous said...

It's about our future, and our pensions. It's certainly not time to give up. We're all depending upon each other. If Maxie was ready to keep the pensions, this strike wouldn't be necessary.

Ask Vought when THEY are going back to the table. That's the question that needs to be asked.

Anonymous said...

Well they can't go back to the table for two weeks I think its called a cooling off period, so don't expect to hear anything until after next friday....this sucks!

Anonymous said...

no it is not just up to vought to get back to the table, it is up to union reps as well. they have to let it known they are ready to bargain as well as vought. so GET IT DONE

Anonymous said...

If they can pay scabs that much $$$ then we did not ask for enough money. Plus they even gave them a ride to

MrLogical said...

The company is wanting you to sweat it out and think about it a little longer. Hoping that it will break your spirit to win a fair contract. When you think about the amount of money management is already wasting on scabs at the tune of $60 an hour with limited knowledge of our jobs, then it shouldn't take long before even the execs will see this is hurting everyone.

This just looks like some company propaganda posted on here, as they're all anonymous and not minutes apart from being posted from each other.

Drive by Vought and visit with the picketers and see the support the community has for the Union as they honk and wave for us. The news has been very courteous in telling the shameful things that Vought has tried to do on this contract and the storm troopers wearing black really are a nice touch to show how they want to intimidate. Not to mention that's just more money wasted at a time when they can't help but wonder when the scabs will quit making mistakes and scrapping material, or much worse, wings.

This isn't paint by numbers, or connect the dots that is being built here in Nashville. These jobs require talent and craftsmanship that a scab doesn't develop, because they don't stay anywhere long enough to get the skills needed. So let them rip off all the companies tools, trash those valuable new machines and see what's left when we get a fair contract. The more time the scabs have in the facility, the more chaos. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

These comments have to be false statements from a nonunion member because none of us are stupid enough to believe these things.

If whoever posted this anonymous crap doesn't have the guts to say it on the picket line or at the union hall then keep off our blog!!!!!

Former IAM member and current Steel Worker.

Anonymous said...

I'm a retired management employee from this company after 25 years and started out as an hourly employee at Avco and was also there in"89" and was very knowledgeable of how to physically build the product.I,ve been reading these blogs since all this started and have a sense of confusion with my emotions everytime I read radical statements about Maxey or the union or even the scabs so here read this !I hope nobody is foolish enough to think that Maxey is pulling the strings.Dallas is telling him what to do and how to do it ! Dallas doesn't like Nashville at all because everybody is better at there jobs and more productive.Dallas didn't like the OLD management team for the same reason and managed to get rid of anyone that knew more than them or wouldn't conform to their ways.So guess what ! They've got it now and I don't care how many contractors they bring in at what wages ,they've got a BIG PROBLEM .Think about it,could you walk in to any aircraft plant and start building their assemblies if there wasn't someone to help and instruct you depending solely on the planning !!!!So wake up !You've got them over a barrel altogether different than 89.Let them waste the 3 million they saved on signup fees.They can bring mangement from Dallas or were ever. Hell ,Dallas couldn't build it when they had it and perform like you.Do you think they sent it back to help you or just to be nice!People , you need to understand that I KNOW your fears and worry but please believe me when I say that the people that are running Vought are ruthless when it comes to people.They don't care about nothing and nobody ,just numbers and covering their ass to Carlye.If you let them win this time ,it's just the beginning of the end.You older senority people know I'm telling it like it is and you new people better stand strong with them because if you don't ,the future you create is short lived by the end of this 3 yr. contract , next time it will be worse.
God Bless All of You old friends and stand strong not divided !

Anonymous said...

Yeah u can afford to pay someone that amount of money when you don't have to pay them any benefits, lets just act grown and professional guys this is bigger than Vought this is our livelyhood. Be mature say what you want and i writing under anonymous because its quick.....and some people are just dumb and imature....

crimson69 said...

hey my logical and gy... all blogs are being screened so of course they are minutes apart... to me it is just scared out of work myself. The job market sucks and when you have a family to worry about it is twice as scary. I know many have families but i also know that many wanted to or were ready to strike whatever the contract would have been. Being strong is hard when you have your kids looking at you and you tell them you are broke and don't know when you can find work or when you will go back to your job. It will be three weeks before we even see the little 150 dollars the union gives us. Anyway just try to be understanding to there fears, not everyone is as strong as you are.

Anonymous said...

To Vought and I know you read this !The longer we have to stand up for our rights ( pensions etc)and stay on strike , the longer the healing process will be between company and union. Neither the company nor union members can afford to be playing games with the economics times as they are today so may God stand with all of us to make the right decisions with respect for all. You know as well as I,Nashville is the backbone of Vought.

walknthegate said...

I dont know what anonymous is talking about. The contractors are getting 45 an hour and 60 an hour overtime with 50 hours mandatory plus 800 a week for per deim. That is $3200.00 a week. I make $13.83 an hour plus the so-called benifits I am gettn they call insurance. Tell me who is gettn screwed, If They were payn us $3200.00 a week for 50 hours work we would pay for our own benifits. And these people worrying about supporting thier families, how long have we known we were voting on a contract and would possibly go on strike?

Anonymous said...

They want to cut our benefits and give us a few cents raise. The benefits we get is no where close to what they are paying scabs. So this proves for the jobs we do we are way underpaid!!!!!

cyn said...

Quote, Per Vought Aircraft:

September 26, 2008
To: Nashville IAM-735 Employees
From: Maxie Garrett

"They have been focused on spreading misinformation and have not once presented a proposal in writing for you to consider."

Is the Union Reps working on a proposal to present to the members of on strike?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous 1,2,3 (please use a name next time though!) I appreciate the union doing whatever it can to keep the picket line strong. They are appealing to our emotions with poems and cartoons. But, we have a week and a half to think about how to come up with the best strategy to get the best deal we can.
It's not emotions that keep me out there picketing, its knowledge. And I need to know exactly how the union is going to make this all worth it in 10 days.
Can we focus more on the facts and less on dehumanizing others, PLEASE?
I've done my own analysis on the retirementprogramtrends.pdf the company furnished on the vought internet and I found their numbers don't quite add up. They have tended to reduce the Net present value of the pension in some cases. While the general trends they show are correct, they aren't accurate.
The union REALLY REALLY needs to be negotiating to tie the pension changes to a person's age, not their years of service.
Its clear to me that in this volatile market, a person 35 years and old does not have enough time until retirement to use a 401k's growth to match the benefit of a pension.

Anonymous said...

Thank you (retired after 25 years). You spoke the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The exec's of Voutht will not allow it's investors to loose money forever. We are the only ones who can provide the Quality and Productivity our customers need. The company knows deep down that we are only asking for what is fair.

markus said...

Right on (retired managment employee ofter 25 years) You spoke the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The exec's of Voutht cannot and will not allow our investors to continue to loose money at this rate forever. They know deep down that we are the only ones who can provide the Quality and Productivity required and needed by our customers. They also know that we are only asking for what is fair and equitable for all. By treating all our current membership the same, old and new, the company and union can enter into a fair contract where everybody wins. Thanks

Anonymous said...

I hope some of the floor supervisors see and hear how much they are paying the SCABS. If the numbers are right thats 3000 a week minimum. I'm pissed being hourly. I have a pretty good idea that supervision does'nt make that much either. Maxie Dan & Doty are driving a wedge between everyone.

Anonymous said...

Here is the deal. Longer the company holds us out more scabs are going to cross the line and that makes it easy for them to keep us out even longer. We as the union that pay our dues every month,that stood behind the union when they didnt want us to work overtime for two weeks we need to know whats going on! Whats being said because us sitting at home wondering how we are going to pay our bills need to know what is being said down there cause none us have a voice in this now! The company is putting out this shit saying there is no plenty for crossing the line and we need to put the word out your hurting the ones that has fought for us for years when you cross that line and its going to put us out even longer! Lets get this shit finished and lets get back to what we do best Building Wings!!

crimson69 said...

why aren't there any new updates yet?

Anonymous said...

Our benifits are no where close to the difference in what they are paying the scabs get real!! They are willing to pay someone that much money then we need to ask for WAY more. If anonymous does not have time to sign into this blog that tells me someone is working.... walks like a duck sounds like a duck rcpzx