From the IAM District 751 website:
After 45 days on the line, your solidarity brought Boeing back to the bargaining table. Since talks adjourned last Monday, we have kept the lines of communication open and have agreed to pursue additional talks through the federal mediator. At the direction of the federal mediator, new talks will be held in Washington DC beginning Thursday, October 23rd.
We hope this marks a major step forward to resolve this strike. The Union will continue to do everything possible to bargain a contract that addresses the concerns our members have identified.
It is important as we move forward that we continue to stay strong on the picket lines. That's how we're going to secure a contract that will settle this strike.
In Solidarity
Your Union Leadership
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
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what about investing in a couple of bullhorns for the monday gatherings? on ebay they run around $15. that way the scabs in their cars and buses and the bigwigs inside the building peeking out the blinds can hear our voice loud and clear.
In reading your blogs, it is very heart warming to see the compassion and concern of people. During the heardship I know these Brothers and Sisters are having during the time they are "Standing Proud And United" for what they believe in.
As for me I would like for someone from L.L. 735 to post on this website. Thing that could be donated that would be of some benefit to these Brothers And Sisters, an their family's.
Sister Clanton L.L. 2325
I like the latest attempt by the company to get union members to cross the picket line. It shows how desperate the company is. I think this is a form of union busting. This company has stooped to a new low ! How proud are we to work for this ?
Vought, how are your customers doing now ? Are they going to build their aircraft out of cardboard ? How is production ? Are you ready to stop this crazy stuff ?
hey ya'll it's heather!! i have clothes that my daughter(sz 14-16) and husband (jeans(30-31w 30-32L) grew out of if you need them just talk to the negotiating committee they know how to get in contact with me.. there are also shoes i think sz 7.5 or 8 womens! you are welcome to it! Stay strong!!! love ya'll!!
I have to agree with Sister Clanton in her suggestion to post ways to help us out. We have a LOT of traffic from the community in general on the blog and many WANT to help but do not know HOW.
I hope I am not overstepping my bounds on this (If I am feel free to deny this in moderating).
Many people are not comfortable with cash donations simply because they do not know how the money will be used. GIFT CARDS are a wonderful way to help. We have a lot of members who drive quite a distance to walk their shifts- so gas cards would be great. Grocery and Walmart type gift cards would help too. This would help free up "hardship cash" for utilities and other expenses. (Gift cards are also perfect to remain anonymous in helping- hint hint to those in salary who are really on OUR side)
It is a program that you order food boxes and pay and pick them up at locations on a designated day.
They take food stamps.
They have a monthly menu you can view to see if this would benefit your needs.
I know people who use it because of fixed income and love it.
Also has a search tool to find the location closest to you.
so you see vought, we take care of our own, unlike you, that try to take away what we and the workers before us have earned. why follow suite with other companies when you could be the best there ever was. rest assured brothers and sisters we will prevail!!!!!!!
thanks mom for telling them about angel food ministries!!
What about a Human Chain around the plant Monday morning 5:30 A.M. Hand & Hand ????
i think the human chain idea would be great
anyone know how to contact metro police so we can show our thanks to them for there support.
Rumors from the picket line that the company wants to go back to the bargaining table in the next few weeks ? TRUE OR FALSE
My opinion some of the older coments nead to be culled out. Takes forever to sort through the older stuff to get to the newer. Just my opinion.
we need to get these blogs read and posted a little quicker, for some its a great way to communicate and to get the word across, thank you.
Just wanted to thank the anonymous lady that brought us donuts today on the picket line. It's great to know that someone will take the time to do that and hope she will read this.
Thanks also to those that care out there and show support, or stop by when we are on the rat central post on Briley.
Will V.
Hope you don't mind me putting my own name on here...
After the vote on the contract,why was there no communication between the union and company to try to resolve this issue instead of the company just bailing into this type of tactics and absolutely destroying any relationship or trust between us and the company.Speaking for myself , I use to be proud to work for this company and was very dedicated to their goals and objectives BUT after this form of actions and treatment of me and my fellow workers because we responded with our legal rights ,things will NEVER BE THE SAME! I am ashamed of this entire ordeal. You just don't treat your good employees this way .Dan told all of us in meetings what a good job we had done .Being Tennesseans , we took him for his word and began to feel we could trust him , but all that has gone away. Will this company and union ever heal from this ? I REALLY DOUBT IT !THE LONGER THIS CONTINUES THE WORST IT'S GOING TO BE FOR BOTH SIDES .
To anon......false
Many of the workers I know have started finding others jobs. I wonder how Vought would like it if most of the best workers found other jobs that they liked better, elsewhere?
Personally, I’ve lost interest in working at Vought. I’ve been very busy working since Vought failed us and I’ll probably have to take some vacation time when they call us back so that I can tie up loose ends with the work I’m doing.
Sure, if they come back with a good offer soon, I’ll go back. But if they wait too long, I well have moved on.
I feel the same way now as I did when they tried taking the work to Dallas; my security is not wrapped up in Vought Aircraft Industries. My security is based on my own talents, experience and motivation.
I won’t wait on them forever.
Good Day,
Hey Vought I heard that Boeing is thinking of backing out of the tanker project. That means airbus will go ahead with their plant in Mobile, Al. They will be recruiting aircraft workers and machinist with airbus expeience. You will be ramping up production and loosing qualified people at the same time. Why not keep us happy and encourage us to stay here. We are not trying to rip you off, we just don't want you taking benefits away from us!!! We have made you lots of money and will do so again when we get back in there!!! So why not negotiate a fair contract for everyone and we can all get back to work. Just a thought.?
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